- Last week I was talking with Michele about being convicted about honoring our debts even though we didn't have the money to do so. The very next day the Lord blessed us with an unexpected check. We are still in debt with the hospital from when Bear got his concussion early 08. Even though this check wasn't even half of the bill it will be such a help. What a blessing from the Lord.
- I heard this one from my mil, it brought tears to my eyes and I am so proud I just have to share it.... My nephew was having a sleep-over, his mom was standing by his doorway and over heard him saying Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I love to hear that he is witnessing to other people. I should mention he is only six, or is it seven, what a bad aunt.
- And lastly a work of God for our family this week, My mommy is get married tomorrow. I know being single that long must have been so hard but God knew what he had planned for her and it could only be in his timing. His perfect timing. Sometimes we are so impatient but God knows when the time is right we just have to give our trust to him and have faith.
Head over to A Dusty Frame to read other blessing from our precious Lord. Sometimes when I am down it helps me to hear of others blessings to help me see my own.
Thanks for sharing your blessings:)!