Saturday, July 31, 2010

New Adventures

It seems like our life has been one new adventure or another for a long while and now we are on another one. As of last Thursday Jeff is unemployed. We knew it was coming and have known for awhile. No, he did nothing wrong. His company was bought out by another and his line of work was no longer needed there. Heartbreaking for us but exciting for the kids......

Yes, exciting I said. They are happy to have Jeff home while he looks for a new job. They had another reason to be excited. Jeff almost never takes off of work and therefore we had money from unused PTO time to go on a family vacation. We haven't been on one since before Timothy was born so the lot of us were very excited.

My plan is to break up the vacation into several posts. I know I have been really bad about posting and I thought this would be a good way for you grandparents to have something to read.

So here it goes....

Our first stop was the "drive-thru zoo". The kids love the freedom in the car just as much as they do the animals. They were happy to help drive, roam around the backseat and enjoy the sunroof on our car.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby

Today is my husbands birthday. I am so glad that he is here in this world. He is a blessing to our family and I am lost without him.

Jeffrey, we have known each other for half of our lives. I look forward to next year when my years with you out weigh my years without you. I love you baby.

My Husband Rocks

Wednesday was not my day. The lawn mower decided to stop after only 5 rows mowed. The dryer stopped heating up. When reheating Jeff's dinner I left it in too long and almost made him jerky. Then when I started to make the rest of his dinner I plugged in the coffee maker instead of the grill. You can't really cook chicken in a coffee pot. The list could go on but the one that mattered most to me was the dryer.

Our heating element went out and I decided that I would fix the part so Jeff wouldn't have too when he got home. It took me forever to get it open and get all the pieces out. I got the part back to where it belonged and put it all back together. I plugged the dryer back in and started her up. Pop! Hhmm, that didn't happen when Jeff did it.

I put the piece a little to far in and had metal touching metal. Oops. So instead of helping Jeff I only broke the dryer more. I think lots of husbands would have been irritated but mine met me at the door that afternoon with a kiss and chuckled "I'm sorry you're having such a rough day".

Happy Birthday Baby. I'm glad you were born.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I saw this on someones blog and thought it was fun, maybe a little narcissistic but fun. Sometimes as mom's we get lost in the shadow of our responsibilities to everyone else so I thought why not do something silly about me.

Stacy Lou (and least you ever call me that only one person has that privilege)

New Mexico

Sweet Tea

Pre-K teacher
Stay at home Mom
Independent Beauty Consultant

WipeOut (everyone should watch this with their family)
Rookie Blues (Jeff and I just found this one. I like it.)
Biggest Loser

Any place Jeff grew up as a kid
Amish Country (Jeff would be bored to tears)
Somewhere North East during the Fall

I Love Lucy
The Cosby Show
Ummm, The Mary Tyler Moore Show

This is a tough one since I loooove food.....
Homemade Pizza
Swiss Steak
Jeff's fried chicken
......the list could go on and on

Growing old with Jeffrey
Raising my children
Once the kids move out, traveling with Jeff

Friday, July 9, 2010

Bo is all boy. No doubt about it. He loves cars, fart jokes, playing guns and swords. But what he doesn't love.......

having dirty hands or feet.

My Husband Rocks

My husband married a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I haven't ever been the girlie type. I mean at one point in high school I wore combat boots everyday. Not real girlie.

Over the years that has changed, and mostly here recently. It's not that I never wanted to be girlie I just wasn't sure how to go about it. Jeff rocks because he helps me be more girlie. I never know what things go together, I'm too afraid to get it wrong. But since he has been helping me I kind of like shopping now, minus the kids of course. I even wonder around the shoe department, even when I know I can't buy anything, just because I like looking. The other day I saw a pair of heels I have loved for many months now but they were way more than I had ever payed for heels and just could never justify it. I came across them again at 60% off. Now mind you I wasn't there to buy shoes. I needed a new dress for work and with my gift certificate the dress was only going to cost me 3.08. What a blessing! I didn't need the shoes. I had perfectly fine ones at home. Now I will admit that my own personal shoe department is lacking. I normally wear the same heels until I have to buy new ones. I don't think I have ever owned more than one pair of tennis shoes at a time. More of me just not being girlie. I digress.......

Anyway I put the shoes on, knowing I wasn't going to buy them, walked up and down the aisle while the kids chatted to me. I walked to a mirror to admire them. Love them more. And then I put them back in their box, even though they were on sale and returned them to the shelf. It stunk but I didn't need them, I needed the dress.

I was proud of my mature decision and sent Jeff a text after I had left the store. He asked how much and I replied. He sent back to get them and I said 'no, I didn't need them'. His reply was he was my husband and he told me to go back and get those shoes.

Was it going to hurt us for me to buy those shoes? No, not with them on sale, but I don't do things like that for me. Jeffrey knows that and knew I would never get them unless he told me too. I would have been fine without them, he knows that too, but he also knows I had wanted those shoes for months and he wanted to spoil me.

My husband rocks because he makes me be nice to me.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I get to make the rules

The kids rooms are over run with toys so we have started something new for their birthdays. Instead of toys from us their gift is a day with us, just us and that one child. Bo chose to go to the zoo.

Bo thought Daddy Bubba needed a ride in the stroller and he wanted to be the one to give it.
This is the "I really really need to go pee-pee but my Daddy wants to take a picture" look.
It poured while we were at the zoo while we were there. At first we hid out near the lion exhibit but after a while we decided we were so wet anyway what difference did it make. I loved that the three of us were such great sports about it. Honestly I liked the rain better than the alternative of a scorching hot day.
It's quite obvious that Bo is to big for the stroller but he wanted it and I am a sucker when it comes to my baby. After a while he just stretched his body out a got comfy.

Look at that precious face.

Friday, July 2, 2010

My Husband Rocks

My husband rocks because he took a chance on me.

I love you my Jeffrey.