Friday, January 20, 2017

Around the Farm

 Sherman and Herman are doing well.  They are both still alive, so that counts for something.  Although they wont leave the run.  I kept them closed in with a baby gate for over a week to get them acclimated.  The gate is no off but they are too scared to leave.  In fact the first day I took the gate off they hide in the coop all day!
 Somebody snuck a ride during clean up time.
 I don't know if you can tell from this picture but we have a house guest....

 I'm not sure who is living under there and I don't really want to find out!

 I need somebody to push me around during clean up time.
 Look what I found while cleaning up.  Somebody left a surprise under the outside couch.

 And then I found a whole stash behind the couch.  Stupid birds!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Sometimes Little Brothers

Make it impossible to concentrate on homework.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Cookie Time

 We made cookies to stave off boredom from the cold weather. 
But this, this was my favorite picture.  Brendon caught Jeremiah just as he was headed tongue first into the flour sack!

Monday, January 9, 2017


Jeremiah loves morning chores, even if it is literally freezing outside.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Baby It's Cold Outside

So the kids weren't too happy about helping out with chores this morning but it was 16 degrees outside and four can get the job done faster than one.  When Kati complained I said, "When you live on a farm everyone has to help out."  we may not be much of a farm yet but a girl can dream.

 The ducks get the water so nasty.  We have to change it everyday.  Jeremiah was helping me break up the ice that formed so we could dump it out.

Jeremiah Started Mother's Day Out

Look at the sweet face!  He gets to go two days a week for four hours.  He isn't so crazy about it yet but hopefully he will adjust soon and love it.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Who Knew

So I knew there would be an adjustment period when we added the ducks but I didn't expect so many of the chickens to be scared to these two.
 The chickens that chose to sleep in the coop stayed waaaay of to one side of the coop.
 And these two cuties huddled up together.  Them being scared made sense to me.  We uprooted these babies away from their siblings and home, but I think the chickens are being ridicules.
Four of them refused to even come in the coop.  It was a cold night and they preferred the outdoors.  We even had coyotes come pretty close to the house and they still stayed outside.  Who would be more scared of a couple of cute ducks than coyotes!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Two new friends

We added ducks to our flock.  We started with these two from a somewhat local farm.  They are about twelve weeks old.  Come spring I think we will add two more that are a few days old.