I love photography and oh how I wish I could take some classes. I have noticed lately that every where we go I am noticing layouts of land or rooms and thinking how they would be great for photos. And I am constantly wishing I had my camera with me. From time to time I get compliments on photos and they are greatly appreciated but after taking photos at my mom's wedding it has proven to me that I am no photographer.
I may get some goods shots but what you don't see is all the other photos that were taken that didn't turn out well at all. Maybe someday I will be able to take a class and I will be able to really learn and not just get good shots out of pure luck.
I played around with our wedding rings Wednesday night while Jeff was at church and it took me about 35 shots to get just this one that I love. On a side note Jeffrey was lost without his ring, that sits well with me.

I want to take photos of my Mom and Al but chances are we will spend an hour together and I might come out with one decent picture. It will be good practice for me. I'm sure there are plenty of self taught photographers and since I won't be taking any classes I guess I better get to practicing.
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