Tuesday night we blew in the door at 7:45. That left me fifteen minutes to get everyone into jammies with brushed teeth before Jeffrey sang them songs for bedtime. 15 minutes and three kids isn't very long but I was going to make it. Going too. As Kati was about to brush her teeth she said "And don't forget we have to read our chapters." Reading 'our chapters' refers to the two chapters of the Bible we have been reading together as a family at night. I have to be honest when I say that I had already thought of it and decided that we would just double up tomorrow but when she said that I knew that I couldn't.
See I was rushing everyone so that Jeff and I could watch The Mentalist. We love this show. I look forward to it every week. The character Jane is so great and I love trying to figure out the who-done-it part with Jeff. But when I saw that Kati was so excited and that she remembered herself and was looking forward to reading the Bible it was such a conviction to me. Where was I putting the priority's of my family?
While I was dressing the baby for the night Jeff read to us all. Kati and Bear then cuddled up to me to pray. All of it gave me the warm fuzzies (we won't mention that Timothy spent a good portion of the time jumping on the bed). And then Bear asked me, "What does that mean to go to hell? I don't understand." (Jeff and I can't agree on what exactly he said but this is what I remember the question being) I should also mention that Jeff didn't read about hell so I'm not sure what brought this about.
We explained that it was eternal separation from God and we talked about the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jeff started talking to them about how if it weren't for Jesus we would all go to hell. He was explain about the forgiveness of sins and Bear wanted to know what asking for forgiveness of sins meant.
"okay buddy, can you tell me a sin"
"like when I talk sassy and say things like' you're mean' to you"
"yes, that's one kind of sin because the Bible tells you to honor Mommy and Daddy. So when that happens you need to tell mommy you are sorry and Jesus. To ask for forgiveness"
with tears in his little eyes, "but I haven't never done that" and then he promptly placed his thumb in his mouth.
My heart was so touched by his conviction. I showed him an example of what his prayer to Jesus might be like when he asked for forgiveness and then there where many more question from he and Kati. It was such a blessing to see God working on Bears heart. Although I know he is not at the point where he is asking for salvation his heart is seeking to do what is right and that is such a blessing.
And to think I would have allowed myself to miss all of that out of misaligned proprieties. That my son would have missed out on the opportunity to learn more about God and the good news from my own selfishness. It's heart breaking. You can pray for me that I will keep my focus where it should be.
I am so thankful that God has blessed me with these children. That He trusts me with them. I'm not sure he made the right decision but who am I to question his ways.
aww! Aren't they so good at keeping us right?
ReplyDeleteMy son too convicts me so many times when I want to skip something so important!
Thanks for participating!
Awesome story! I, too, find myself "short" with the kids at bedtime and rushing through getting them to bed so I can have my coveted t.v. time. That's why we got dvr. It costs a little more per month, but it sure is nice to be able to sit down, maybe at 9:30 instead of 9, and watch a show (and ff through commercials so I'm done at 10 anyway!!) The older kids and I even use it together on Tuesday nights. We LOVE The Biggest Loser, but it's 2 hours. So, at 7 we start recording and then spend the next 30-45 minutes getting everybody bathed and "ready" for bed, homework, end of the night stuff, and then start watching it around 7:45 or 8:00 so we don't have any interruptions. It's still over by about 9:00 by ff through commercials.