at least it was gonna be. Today was gonna be the day I got back on schedule. I think we all have a
tendency to get off schedule at the holidays and right after the holidays there was a wedding looming just around the corner in our family so things haven't been on track here for quiet some time now. Well today was to be the day I got back in the swing of things. I was going to get up early, exercise, read my bible, blog and just be alone for a few minutes before the kids got up. I would then get everyone dressed have breakfast, clean up and then do math with Kati. After that it would be a break for her and time for all the kids to play together while I do whatever cleaning needs to be done. Then lunch followed by the rest of school for Kati and some preschool things with Bear as well as scripture memorization.
Well at about 9:30 last night all that went out the window. Now, I know you are wondering how last night could possibly affect today but it did. Kati threw up about 15 times, if not more, last night from 9:30 to about 4 or so. Along with both boys getting up twice. Today was spent catering to a sick little girl, "Mommy could you please go get my cup for me? I am thirsty.", she wouldn't/couldn't get up to go seven feet. It was also spent holding her hair back while she puked more, scrubbing carpet in several places to remove last nights vomit, washing sheets, a comforter and clothes all
laden with vomit.

Tonight her cheeks are flushed and she is complaining of a headache.

So maybe tomorrow is the day.
**to top it off, right now I am suppose to be with my girlfriends celebrating one of their birthdays.
Oh ... I am so sorry!! At least you had a REAL excuse why you didn't get back on your schedule today. I haven't done my schedule this week for no good reason. I sure hope she gets to feeling better. Prayers over your boys that they don't get it. Lysol the heck out of your house!!! ~ Nicole