Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dancin Bear

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A day in the life of Bear

Brendon is ready for lunch and since I'm not fast enough he has taken matters into his own hands.
Bear gets in trouble for climbing and shows his temper. He takes it out on the bouncy seat.
He recovers from his tantrum by thumb sucking
Mommy takes her frustration out on Bear. You can see how terribly scared he is
Kati gives him nap kisses. Can you see the love?

A day in the life of Bear,cont

We haven't even had our diaper change after nap and he is already climbing
Eating snack, can you see the yummy bean stain on his shirt left over from lunch?
Climbing again
Playing with his sister. Like the mess?
Climbing yet again
He is ready for dinner
You can't take your eyes off this kid for a second
"Onk", that's what Bear says when he wants to hit his head before bead
Night night buddy

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Kati buys her first fish

What an exciting day for Kati. First we went to see pirates, which is her new love, but surprise surprise she didn't want to have anything to do with them once we got there. Then we went to Petsmart and let her pick out her own plecostomus. She could not wait to get a fish that "licks dirt". She didn't just pick the first one she saw either, she really looked. We found the one she wanted and brought it home. We let him get acclaimated to the water by leaving him in his own bag while we ate lunch. Before nap we let him free and tried to send Kati potty. Tried is the key word here. She was afraid he was going to swim away ( to where I don't know) so we had to swear to watch him close and we were instructed not to put him back in the bag. It's a good thing she is there to watch out for us or we would be in big trouble. Kati has named her fish, that "licks dirt", Shamu.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Kati gives the fingers?

No picture as of yet but Kati has developed a new habit but it's not as bad as you might think. It's not that finger but both index fingers, which I hate to admit but she got it from me. Now when you try to talk to Kati about something she doesn't want to hear it's "No, Mommy, wait, wait." both fingers pointed straight up in the air. It started as one finger but has now progressed to both. Little does she know it's suppose to be pointed right at the person to put the fear of God in them, but you can see how well that's working in my house. And the voice she uses is not one of anger but one of dire emergency were the world must stop, calmly, at this instant to hear her side of the story. You can tell already that she has my temper. Heaven have mercy on us all.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Dr. Visit

We took Bear for his 15 month check up. He is 22lbs and 10oz, that puts him at the 25%for his weight. When they took his length, which he was not pleased about, it came out to 32in, that puts him in the 75% for his height. Not a surprise coming from both our families. A perfect head at 18 1/2 in. The shots were evil. He got three, one in each leg and one in the arm. The one in the arm was horrible but not because of the pain but because of the emotional scares it will leave on him. He will probably need therapy for years to come. I was forced to hold my baby like I was hugging him and then she stabs the 12 inch needle into his arm. Well maybe it wasn't that long but it was all very traumatic. I mean look at that face, who would willingly cause that adorable boy any pain.

Our miracle girl

On the morning of June 22, 2003, I went into early labor. We were only 27 weeks and 3 days along. My sack was torn and I was having contractions. Although the doctor gave me medication to try and slow things down I was told I would have a baby in a few days, if not that day. To help Kati’s under-developed lungs I was also given a steroid shot. The nurses at the hospital began mentally preparing me for a premature baby that I wouldn’t even be able to hold after delivery. We began our wait with me on strict bed rest at the hospital. My contractions stopped, however I was kept at the hospital because I was leaking amniotic fluid. Days turned into two and a half weeks. I was tested again. By the grace of God, Kati’s sac was healed. My doctor called it a miracle; in his 22 years of practice he had never seen this happen.
There was no reason determined for the cause of my early labor. In 2003, 1 in 7 babies (13.9% of live births) was born preterm in Texas. Had Kati been born at 27 weeks 3 days her thigh would have fit into Jeffrey’s wedding ring. Because of this very scary time the March of Dimes has become very dear to our family.

Our healthy little girl nearly three years later.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for our family in our time of need.