Hello bloggie world. How I have missed you. Our computer hasn't been working since early morning Saturday (thank goodness for auto post). I am posting this to let you know that it will be some time before I can post again or keep up with all the wonderful blogs I read. I am seriously asking you all to pray that Jeff will be able to fix our possessed computer, it's sad to admit that I am lost without the Internet.
My wonderful mommy let me post from her computer but it is without dsl and I'm just gonna be real honest here and say I would rather stab myself in the eye than try and post again. This has been torture.
Until next time.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
I love photography and oh how I wish I could take some classes. I have noticed lately that every where we go I am noticing layouts of land or rooms and thinking how they would be great for photos. And I am constantly wishing I had my camera with me. From time to time I get compliments on photos and they are greatly appreciated but after taking photos at my mom's wedding it has proven to me that I am no photographer.
I may get some goods shots but what you don't see is all the other photos that were taken that didn't turn out well at all. Maybe someday I will be able to take a class and I will be able to really learn and not just get good shots out of pure luck.
I played around with our wedding rings Wednesday night while Jeff was at church and it took me about 35 shots to get just this one that I love. On a side note Jeffrey was lost without his ring, that sits well with me.
I want to take photos of my Mom and Al but chances are we will spend an hour together and I might come out with one decent picture. It will be good practice for me. I'm sure there are plenty of self taught photographers and since I won't be taking any classes I guess I better get to practicing.
I may get some goods shots but what you don't see is all the other photos that were taken that didn't turn out well at all. Maybe someday I will be able to take a class and I will be able to really learn and not just get good shots out of pure luck.
I played around with our wedding rings Wednesday night while Jeff was at church and it took me about 35 shots to get just this one that I love. On a side note Jeffrey was lost without his ring, that sits well with me.

Saturday, January 24, 2009
My Timbo talks a lot. I think he talks more than either kid at this age. I am always amazed at the things I hear him say. It may not always be the right word but he comes up with his own things. Guns are "shoot"s, his bed is a "nigh-nigh", Kati's hair detangler is "mil".
For example yesterday he was watching me cut out denim for his blanket. A blanket I was guilted in to making but that's another post for another day. While I was using a roller cutter I sliced into my finger and hollered "ouch!". So now everytime he sees my tool or the denim he calls them "ouch".
Well yesterday at naptime he blew me away with a correct use of the word.
Earlier in the day I threw Bubba into the washing machine for a quick bath but I forgot about him until lunch time. Which did not leave we enough time to get him dry before Timbo would lay down. Thank goodness for the back up Bubba hidden in our closet, I just had Jeffrey throw it into the crib with Timothy wasn't around.
Timothy finished his spaghetti and I cleaned him up and delivered him to get kisses from Jeff. I cuddled him close before I layed him down in his crib and wondered if he would notice the switch. I layed Bubba face first onto Timothy (he always puts Bubba butt up by his face) and waited with a smile. He flipped Bubba around and began to fiddle with the tag on Bubbas butt when his sweet face changed and he thrusted Bubba toward me a began to holler "fake, fake". I could do nothing but say "Sorry buddy. I love you."
This is what Jeff found when he checked on him later. I guess the fake Bubba isn't even worthy enough to sleep in the same crib.
For example yesterday he was watching me cut out denim for his blanket. A blanket I was guilted in to making but that's another post for another day. While I was using a roller cutter I sliced into my finger and hollered "ouch!". So now everytime he sees my tool or the denim he calls them "ouch".
Well yesterday at naptime he blew me away with a correct use of the word.
Earlier in the day I threw Bubba into the washing machine for a quick bath but I forgot about him until lunch time. Which did not leave we enough time to get him dry before Timbo would lay down. Thank goodness for the back up Bubba hidden in our closet, I just had Jeffrey throw it into the crib with Timothy wasn't around.
Timothy finished his spaghetti and I cleaned him up and delivered him to get kisses from Jeff. I cuddled him close before I layed him down in his crib and wondered if he would notice the switch. I layed Bubba face first onto Timothy (he always puts Bubba butt up by his face) and waited with a smile. He flipped Bubba around and began to fiddle with the tag on Bubbas butt when his sweet face changed and he thrusted Bubba toward me a began to holler "fake, fake". I could do nothing but say "Sorry buddy. I love you."
This is what Jeff found when he checked on him later. I guess the fake Bubba isn't even worthy enough to sleep in the same crib.
I am just amazed that he knew fake and used it correctly.
Friday, January 23, 2009

So I have nothing "big" to share, God provides in big ways and in ways we don't always take time to think about.
I am grateful for the beautiful weather we have had this week. Because of it I was able to watch my three little ones playing in the backyard.
I am thankful for my husbands health. I learned earlier this week that someone I was friends/acquaintances with, for what seems like a life time ago, that her husband is dying. He is 35 and will be leaving her with two young children. It is a blessing to know that he is a Christian and they will one day be together again. I can't imagine doing this (life) alone.
I am thankful for the incredible mind that the Lord has blessed my husband with.
I'm glad my Bear has somewhere to go where he is in complete happiness and feels total love, but I miss him terribly while he is gone.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I found this on another blog, I thought it was so funny I had to share it!

I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer.I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn't show me dancing around a pole. It's supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Mrs. Smith
Dear Wal-mart greeter man,
We, as a family, have noticed you for some time now. As I am sure you have noticed us, it would be hard not to notice the littlest one waving hello every time we pass through or the great debate on who gets to sit where in the basket, especially since we come several times a week.
As the months have gone by I have seen a change in your gruff exterior. In the beginning we were only granted a head nod but more recently I have seen the faint smile when our antics are held right before your eyes. I am certain that in a few more months you may even begin to wave back to the baby and say hello to the kids, as long as you don't let the incident skew your opinion of my sweet little family.
I can assure you that when Brendon said you smelled "like a stinky diaper" that it was only meant in kindness. See, he too has noticed you all these months and now has a familiarity and a liking for you. I promise that those ugly words came out of acceptance and love from his heart. And if ever he kicks you in the shin then you are a pal for life. So please, don't let my families backward affection dissuade you. We think you are great. Please don't withhold your head nods any longer, it took us so long to get where we were.
We, as a family, have noticed you for some time now. As I am sure you have noticed us, it would be hard not to notice the littlest one waving hello every time we pass through or the great debate on who gets to sit where in the basket, especially since we come several times a week.
As the months have gone by I have seen a change in your gruff exterior. In the beginning we were only granted a head nod but more recently I have seen the faint smile when our antics are held right before your eyes. I am certain that in a few more months you may even begin to wave back to the baby and say hello to the kids, as long as you don't let the incident skew your opinion of my sweet little family.
I can assure you that when Brendon said you smelled "like a stinky diaper" that it was only meant in kindness. See, he too has noticed you all these months and now has a familiarity and a liking for you. I promise that those ugly words came out of acceptance and love from his heart. And if ever he kicks you in the shin then you are a pal for life. So please, don't let my families backward affection dissuade you. We think you are great. Please don't withhold your head nods any longer, it took us so long to get where we were.
And really he couldn't smell you from that far anyway.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Today was the day
or at least it was gonna be. Today was gonna be the day I got back on schedule. I think we all have a tendency to get off schedule at the holidays and right after the holidays there was a wedding looming just around the corner in our family so things haven't been on track here for quiet some time now. Well today was to be the day I got back in the swing of things. I was going to get up early, exercise, read my bible, blog and just be alone for a few minutes before the kids got up. I would then get everyone dressed have breakfast, clean up and then do math with Kati. After that it would be a break for her and time for all the kids to play together while I do whatever cleaning needs to be done. Then lunch followed by the rest of school for Kati and some preschool things with Bear as well as scripture memorization.
Well at about 9:30 last night all that went out the window. Now, I know you are wondering how last night could possibly affect today but it did. Kati threw up about 15 times, if not more, last night from 9:30 to about 4 or so. Along with both boys getting up twice. Today was spent catering to a sick little girl, "Mommy could you please go get my cup for me? I am thirsty.", she wouldn't/couldn't get up to go seven feet. It was also spent holding her hair back while she puked more, scrubbing carpet in several places to remove last nights vomit, washing sheets, a comforter and clothes all laden with vomit.

So maybe tomorrow is the day.
**to top it off, right now I am suppose to be with my girlfriends celebrating one of their birthdays.
Well at about 9:30 last night all that went out the window. Now, I know you are wondering how last night could possibly affect today but it did. Kati threw up about 15 times, if not more, last night from 9:30 to about 4 or so. Along with both boys getting up twice. Today was spent catering to a sick little girl, "Mommy could you please go get my cup for me? I am thirsty.", she wouldn't/couldn't get up to go seven feet. It was also spent holding her hair back while she puked more, scrubbing carpet in several places to remove last nights vomit, washing sheets, a comforter and clothes all laden with vomit.
So maybe tomorrow is the day.
**to top it off, right now I am suppose to be with my girlfriends celebrating one of their birthdays.
Monday, January 19, 2009
He is quick
I was sharing part of this story with Bear. My point was that it was so interesting that something so small such as a flock of birds could cause such problems for something as big as a plane. His comment,
"Some people just don't know how to drive."
"Some people just don't know how to drive."
Friday, January 16, 2009
I read this post over at Brandy's blog. I can really identify with so much of this post. I heard the phrase once "I did all my best parenting before I had kids". Isn't that so true. I had been so guilty of that before I had kids and find that before we as a family went through certain seasons have still been guilty of that. So to anyone that I have shared my unwanted two cents with, I am truly sorry. I spoke out of turn. We (parents) are all doing the best we can. Lets all just support each other.
Works of God

- Last week I was talking with Michele about being convicted about honoring our debts even though we didn't have the money to do so. The very next day the Lord blessed us with an unexpected check. We are still in debt with the hospital from when Bear got his concussion early 08. Even though this check wasn't even half of the bill it will be such a help. What a blessing from the Lord.
- I heard this one from my mil, it brought tears to my eyes and I am so proud I just have to share it.... My nephew was having a sleep-over, his mom was standing by his doorway and over heard him saying Jesus died on the cross for our sins. I love to hear that he is witnessing to other people. I should mention he is only six, or is it seven, what a bad aunt.
- And lastly a work of God for our family this week, My mommy is get married tomorrow. I know being single that long must have been so hard but God knew what he had planned for her and it could only be in his timing. His perfect timing. Sometimes we are so impatient but God knows when the time is right we just have to give our trust to him and have faith.
Head over to A Dusty Frame to read other blessing from our precious Lord. Sometimes when I am down it helps me to hear of others blessings to help me see my own.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tender heart
On our last night with Kayla and Kyle we all went out to eat. On the way there Jeffrey reminded the kids that this was our last night with them. Reminding them again that it wouldn't be until the summer when they would be all together again.
Wailing erupted from the backseat. Bear said, "I just can't stop crying!"
We hate that they are so far away.
Monday, January 12, 2009
I so needed this
Blogging is like therapy for me but sometimes there are things that just can't be blogged. That is unless you are an anonymous blogger and your friends and family know nothing about what you do. So sometimes when my therapy has to be censored I feel kind of pent up and get a little blue. I have been blue. I hate being blue.
My friend Michele is in town but we hadn't yet seen one another so it just added to my blueness (is that even a word) but on Saturday we had lunch. It was just what I needed. It was so nice to catch up and hear about what they have been doing since they left. After lunch she helped me get all my clothes together for my mom's wedding on Saturday. I needed the help. Shopping isn't something I like do anyway but since I have put on a little more weight I have had absolutely no desire to try something on and then actually look at myself. She helped me pick which dress. And then enlightened me on tights. She helped me pick jewelry, a necklace I never would have been bold enough to pick on my own but its so cute and Jeffrey loves it. And last we were on a mission to find shoes. I have never had so much fun shopping. We walked and talked and admired shoes, even ones we knew we wouldn't buy. It was great.
Thanks Michele. I've missed you and never in a million years would I have thought I could enjoy shopping. We will have to do it again sometime.
Alabama is way to far......
My friend Michele is in town but we hadn't yet seen one another so it just added to my blueness (is that even a word) but on Saturday we had lunch. It was just what I needed. It was so nice to catch up and hear about what they have been doing since they left. After lunch she helped me get all my clothes together for my mom's wedding on Saturday. I needed the help. Shopping isn't something I like do anyway but since I have put on a little more weight I have had absolutely no desire to try something on and then actually look at myself. She helped me pick which dress. And then enlightened me on tights. She helped me pick jewelry, a necklace I never would have been bold enough to pick on my own but its so cute and Jeffrey loves it. And last we were on a mission to find shoes. I have never had so much fun shopping. We walked and talked and admired shoes, even ones we knew we wouldn't buy. It was great.
Thanks Michele. I've missed you and never in a million years would I have thought I could enjoy shopping. We will have to do it again sometime.
Alabama is way to far......
Friday, January 9, 2009
Works of God Weekend

Tuesday night we blew in the door at 7:45. That left me fifteen minutes to get everyone into jammies with brushed teeth before Jeffrey sang them songs for bedtime. 15 minutes and three kids isn't very long but I was going to make it. Going too. As Kati was about to brush her teeth she said "And don't forget we have to read our chapters." Reading 'our chapters' refers to the two chapters of the Bible we have been reading together as a family at night. I have to be honest when I say that I had already thought of it and decided that we would just double up tomorrow but when she said that I knew that I couldn't.
See I was rushing everyone so that Jeff and I could watch The Mentalist. We love this show. I look forward to it every week. The character Jane is so great and I love trying to figure out the who-done-it part with Jeff. But when I saw that Kati was so excited and that she remembered herself and was looking forward to reading the Bible it was such a conviction to me. Where was I putting the priority's of my family?
While I was dressing the baby for the night Jeff read to us all. Kati and Bear then cuddled up to me to pray. All of it gave me the warm fuzzies (we won't mention that Timothy spent a good portion of the time jumping on the bed). And then Bear asked me, "What does that mean to go to hell? I don't understand." (Jeff and I can't agree on what exactly he said but this is what I remember the question being) I should also mention that Jeff didn't read about hell so I'm not sure what brought this about.
We explained that it was eternal separation from God and we talked about the weeping and gnashing of teeth. Jeff started talking to them about how if it weren't for Jesus we would all go to hell. He was explain about the forgiveness of sins and Bear wanted to know what asking for forgiveness of sins meant.
"okay buddy, can you tell me a sin"
"like when I talk sassy and say things like' you're mean' to you"
"yes, that's one kind of sin because the Bible tells you to honor Mommy and Daddy. So when that happens you need to tell mommy you are sorry and Jesus. To ask for forgiveness"
with tears in his little eyes, "but I haven't never done that" and then he promptly placed his thumb in his mouth.
My heart was so touched by his conviction. I showed him an example of what his prayer to Jesus might be like when he asked for forgiveness and then there where many more question from he and Kati. It was such a blessing to see God working on Bears heart. Although I know he is not at the point where he is asking for salvation his heart is seeking to do what is right and that is such a blessing.
And to think I would have allowed myself to miss all of that out of misaligned proprieties. That my son would have missed out on the opportunity to learn more about God and the good news from my own selfishness. It's heart breaking. You can pray for me that I will keep my focus where it should be.
I am so thankful that God has blessed me with these children. That He trusts me with them. I'm not sure he made the right decision but who am I to question his ways.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Christmas day, while we were at Jason's, I was telling Terri (my mil) that for Christmas my mom and Al got the kids and I new passes to the zoo. John said that he hadn't been to the zoo in forever. We immediately made plans to go. That's one of the things that I love about Jeff's family, the boys come over to see the kids without Jeff being home and here was John making plans to do something with us knowing Jeffrey would be working. I'm not sure how but that makes me feel really welcome in their family.
The number of us going to the zoo just kept growing and I loved it. Jeffrey had the time off so he joined us along with Kayla, Kyle, Daddy, and Jason. That would be a total of ten people.

Meet Timothy's new "cheese" face. Thankfully he doesn't do it with every picture otherwise I might pull all my hair out.

The number of us going to the zoo just kept growing and I loved it. Jeffrey had the time off so he joined us along with Kayla, Kyle, Daddy, and Jason. That would be a total of ten people.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I had been putting this post off because I was hoping to have a picture to go with it but............
My mommy is getting married!!
My mommy is getting married!!
Just about any time any of the boys or the kids come home we all go to the rodeo. At first I just went along with my book because I love the family and they love the rodeo. But then I began to notice that I wasn't getting very much read and I was asking a lot of questions. And then later I noticed that when one of the boys came to visit that I actually thought to myself "Oh, we will get to go to the rodeo." Now I very much look forward to it. And don't tell anyone but occasionally I watch on t.v.
John took Timbo down by the arena to get a closer look.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
We spent a lot of time out at Jason's during the holiday. Kyle, Kayla, Jesse and John were all home. I'll have more pictures from there later, these are some that I just grabbed together.
Kyle is all boy.

Monday, January 5, 2009
Part two

She enjoyed it.
I guess sophistication brings about sophistication.
He really has us all fooled.
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