Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weigh in Wednesday

Thursday- 17 minutes on the bike
Friday- 0 I was sick, took the day off
Saturday- 20 minutes on the bike
Sunday- 0
Monday- walked 1 and 1/8 mile
Tuesday- rode bike for 20 minutes, some ab and leg exercises and walked 1 and 1/8 mile
Wednesday- rode bike 39 minutes, some ab and leg exercises, and walked 3/4 of a mile

Weight 160 - lost one pound

Last week really discouraged me. I had to force myself to get going again. I put a picture of me on the bathroom mirror for encouragement. I thought about putting the one of me, Jeff and our friend from Padre up there but the truth is I will never have that stomach again. That isn't pessimistic, it's just the truth, I have had three kids and my skin will never be the same again. So instead I chose a picture of me that I have always liked but is more realistic. It's a weight that I would like to be at.

I started doing Weight Watcher yesterday. I'm not going to meetings or anything just doing it on my own. It's hard. Although I made healthy choices all day I was so hungry. I am suppose to have either 22 or 24 points and at the end of the day I totaled up to 24.5 points. I went over. It was so disappointing to go over and still go to bed hungry. Jeffry told me if I gave up he would understand but I am going to stick it out. It's not just about being where I want to be weight wise it's about being healthier for myself and setting a good example for the kids. I am glad to say that the kids are having a great time walking with me. Actually they are running/jogging and putting me to shame. I want them to view exercise and fun and not a chore and so far it looks like we are on the right road. I will have to remember to take my camera sometime, Kati and Bear hold hands while they do that awkward kid run in front of me. Yesterday while we were on our second lap Bear yelled over his shoulder, "Mom! it feels like my legs are going to fall off"

You all can be praying for Jeff and the kids, when I am hungry I am impossible to be around.

Oh, and Baby, thanks for rubbing my feet last night. It was nice to have some extra comfort when I was so hungry and frustrated.

1 comment:

  1. The first few days of WW are BRUTAL!! You really do feel so hungry .. but it gets better! Do what works for you! Some people do small amounts of eating all day. I'm not a breakfast person, so I really don't eat until lunch. I try not to have eaten more than 10 points by dinner time at night. I try to keep my dinner points down to 8 so I can have a bedtime snack of bran cereal and blueberries. That way I'm not hungry when I go to bed. Don't forget about your weekly flex points and USE THEM!!! That's where you can feel like you're not killing or depriving yourself.

    Let me know if I can give you any WW tips or encouragement!

