Our first celebration was a few weeks ago with my mom.

I know you are all wondering how on earth we were able to arrange for Santa to join us but no that's not Santa. We have people in our lives that prefer not to be shown or talked about on our blog and we respect that.
Unfortunately seeing that I was very tired that day this is the only picture I have of Kati.

We get things like bananas in our stockings. We also get this like olives and nail polish. Just whatever Mom knows will make ya happy.

This is just about the only decent picture I got of us celebrating with Jeff's family. I'm just gonna be honest; when we are all in one room all doing things I just get plan overwhelmed. There were all of us
plus three more people there that night and lots and lots of noise. Happy noise, but noise, cap gun noise but happy noise, cap gun noise in surround sound but happy noise. Laughter and smiles. I love it, overwhelmed or not.
We wish Jared could have been with us. I would also love to see more girls in these pictures.
Ehem boys
We headed home and prepared our house for Santa

Here are my cuties before the could go in the living room to see if Santa came.

And we of course made our traditional trip to
This just may be Bears favorite gift. He hasn't stopped playing with it.

This isn't from us. Bear
received it from Uncle Jesse the night before but the boys had to play with it between opening gifts with us.

I wish the ball hadn't covered his face this could have been a super great shot.

He ended up moving it all up to the couch to keep it away from
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