on all my posting. I can't catch you up on all of it because it is 7:10 in the morning all my kids are already up and ready to go. Don't they know everyone is suppose to be on vacation? And I can't catch you up on everything because the printer thing-a-
majig is on the fritz again so it wont let me pull up any pictures. So here I go with my only recent post that is without pictures. I will try to keep it short but who knows......
Monday I had my heart doctors appointment. We had to schedule this one, after not seeing him for over four years, because we had ourselves a little scare a few weeks ago. And when I say a little scare I mean we thought I was having a heart attack. But after a horrible visit to the ER, and seeing a Doctor (I use that term
loosely) I hope to never see again, we learned that it was not a heart attack, we don't know what it was but it wasn't a heart attack. There were able to see my irregularities with my heart but by testing my blood they knew that I hadn't had a heart attack. So since they had no answers for me we were told to see my cardiologist, well actual mine is an
electro cardiologist.
We had not seen my doctor for years. Not because everything was fine but because we were at a point were the only thing he could do for me was get me a pacemaker and at 21 that was just out of the question for me. I will always think that was the right choice for me, and while we were with my doctor he agreed that I had made the right decision. It's nice to have confirmation.
To try and shorten this up,
We will receive another heart monitor soon and I will wear it for three weeks. After that I will see the doctor again and we will make decisions after that. I do want to share some things that I learned at the doctor that were a comfort to me.
The average heart rate for a woman is about 70 - 80 beats per minutes. At times my heart can get to 170 beats per minute or greater. That's an extra
100 beats per minute. I have always been concerned that at some point my heart would just get tired of all the extra beating and just up and stop. I talked with the doctor about and he told me at 300 beats my heart will decide that's enough and stop. It was really comforting to have a number, 170 seems really high unless I compare it to 300 so that gave me some peace. He also explained that even if my heart beat at 170 continuously, which mine doesn't it just fluctuates, it would take two months before it would literally just wear my heart out. Obviously I would see a doctor before any of that could happen. Just those two little bits of information were such a comfort to me.
If you all could pray that God would heal my heart or that I will go into another one of my periods were I feel fine for a while I would appreciate it. Although it's nice to know I wont die it still dramatically affects my everyday life. When I am having episodes by the time the kids are eating lunch I am trying to rush everyone through to get to
naptime so I can get some rest. I am just exhausted! Having your heart rate that high when you are doing everyday things just wears a mommy out.