Last night was the Youth Christmas party and it turned out well. Jeff and I were a little nervous at 6:20 when only one person was there. It ended up just fine; I'd say we had around twenty kids. Some of the kids were even visitors and that is always nice. We ate, we played games, Bear peed his self, we opened gifts, Kati spelt drinks, it was good times.
Jeff read the youth the Christmas story, no not the story about the man that goes "Ho, ho, ho", but the true Christmas story. The same story that we read every Christmas eve, the same story that was read at Jeffrey's home every Christmas eve as a child. The one that tells of our Lords birth to a virgin. Ya know, the one that gives you the warm fuzzies to think of all that baby sweetness wrapped in swaddling. After he read the story he encouraged the youth to think past all of that and think about the reason all that baby sweetness was brought here for.
I ask that you pray for them; that they will really take the time to consider that. Pray that the visitor we had will want to come again; that a seed was planted in their hearts and they will have a desire to learn more about our precious Lord and Savior.
I love my wife...she's the best!