Last week he started saying "da da" I know he is not thinking Daddy but we are moving in that direction. It is so cute to hear his endless string of dadadadada's.
We have also learned that Timbo has a little bit of a temper.
And he is learning to sit up. The casts may be assisting in his sitting up so we will see in a week if he can still sit up. When I say sit up I mean I sit the child up and the child sits up for a few seconds and then toppels over, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Man, does he love food. When I am trying to feed him he gets so distracted by other things but once he sees the spoon I can't shovel it into his mouth fast enough. And he makes you feel so guilty if you eat your own food infront of him. That boy just follows the fork from plate to mouth, plate to mouth until you try and convince yourself that spicy chicken can't be too bad for a baby, right. He has also pulled a cup away from my mouth, causing a rather embaressing spill, trying to get a drink for himself.
I tried to add a video to this but I can't figure it out, so when Jeff shows me I will add it later.
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