Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hello out there

I was reading this blog that I found from a blog that took me to a news article that took me to another blog, seriously y'all you can get lost in the blog world. Anyway, I was reading this blog and the woman gets 4,000 dollars a month from advertisers on her blog. Man, the things I could do with an extra 4,000 dollars a month. But before you get advertisers you have to get lots of traffic. Lots of traffic is not something I have, I get excited if someone other than just grandpa passes by. No, I'm just being dramatic. I know I have a few readers. I've got the grandparents, my mom's old boss reads sometimes, friends, friends from church, some family, people who come from Lan's blog. I even have someone reading from Georgia. Don't know how they found me but I am super excited to know they find our craziness interesting. Some people have even found us by searches, slip-n-slide, Chuck E Cheese, and loft bed.

So if you read our blog and we have never met before I would love to get to know you, leave me a comment. I mean it's only fair right, you already know my goal weight and you really only share that with your best girlfriend

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