Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Second Casting
It was back to the Doctor today to get Timothy second set of casts. This time without the braces, good thing since I forgot to bring them with me. I am actually kind of glad that he got his casts off because I never would have fit him in the pumpkin if he had them on. It's the important things in life y'all.
Bear taking a picture of me taking a picture of him
Happy Halloween
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
If you are in need of a mediocre laugh
Okay, so it's about 15 minutes before we are about to walk out the door for a child's birthday party when I notice the house is kind of smokey and my eyes are burning. The Ham! Oh man. It was bad y'all. This is my sink full of....... a mess (I'm so good with words).
You apparently can't cook a nearly twenty pound ham in a pyrex dish that is 13 x 9. It was the grace of God and not smarts that had me put cookie sheets on the rack below. If I hadn't I think it might have caught fire and I'm not kidding. I guess seven years of cooking on your own does not make you a chef or even qualify you to heat up pizza rolls for that matter.
I know, I know it looks like molten lava.
I really am a good cook, well unless you count that time I served my then boyfriend spagheti with rare meat sauce, or the time I tried to fry chicken without oil (more smoke), or how about last week when I nearly burnt the kitchen down making pancakes. Ya know, now that I think about it maybe I should just order in from now on. Maybe this explains why my older children are underweight.
Head over here for some news that will make you smile. And Brandy, we had the same shirt problem too.
Monday, October 29, 2007
It's a tradition
I have taken pictures of all my kids in a pumpkin on there first Halloween. Hope you enjoy the few that I chose.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Friday, October 26, 2007
You just won't believe it
The long and the short of it is I had to take him to get the other cast sawed off, I forgot to add that picture and am to lazy to redo everything so I will add it to another post. Boy did he hate that. There was screaming, crying, hollering and Timbo wasn't doing much better either. We will go back on Halloween and get new casts. Any color ideas?
I should mention that Grandpa was so wonderful to help try and get the cast off but we were both just to scared so he watched the kids while I took Timothy to the Doctor. Was that a run on?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I forgot
So I took Timothy to McGoodDaddy today. First thing he had me do was put the braces on in front of him. I get a gold star because I was doing it right. Since I was doing it right and he still won't keep his feet in the next step was to go with casts. 
Oops, sorry
Anyway, Timothy's new braces aren't working either. They fit better than the others but he still pulls his foot up in the brace. I have tried different ways of wrapping but no luck. So I am off to Dr McGoodDaddy late this afternoon. We will see what happens.
Four month check up
He got four shots and one vaccine by the mouth. The nurse said he was a little flirt and that he had gorgeous eyes. His stats
Weight: 15 pounds 1.5 ounces 55-60%
Length: 25 inches 50%
Head size: 16 3/4 inches 50%
Weight: 15 pounds 1.5 ounces 55-60%
Length: 25 inches 50%
Head size: 16 3/4 inches 50%
It may be the ugliest baby doll in history but she loves it.
She bought it with her AWANA bucks. Even though it is sooooooo ugly I am happy for her. She saw this exact baby at the store a few months ago and asked me to buy it. Besides the fact that she has millions of babies and that we don't have extra cash lying around for toy purchases that thing is just not cute.
When I walked into the AWANA store and saw it I just rolled my eyes and knew what was coming. But to tell you the truth the thing is growing on me. And it probably has nothing to do with the fact that Kati named it Stacy.
I glad she got something she really loves.
Chilly weather is here
Not a fan
Timothy was too funny last night; I don't know if it's the taste or the texture but he would do this funny little shaking thing with nearly every bite.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Hello out there
I was reading this blog that I found from a blog that took me to a news article that took me to another blog, seriously y'all you can get lost in the blog world. Anyway, I was reading this blog and the woman gets 4,000 dollars a month from advertisers on her blog. Man, the things I could do with an extra 4,000 dollars a month. But before you get advertisers you have to get lots of traffic. Lots of traffic is not something I have, I get excited if someone other than just grandpa passes by. No, I'm just being dramatic. I know I have a few readers. I've got the grandparents, my mom's old boss reads sometimes, friends, friends from church, some family, people who come from Lan's blog. I even have someone reading from Georgia. Don't know how they found me but I am super excited to know they find our craziness interesting. Some people have even found us by searches, slip-n-slide, Chuck E Cheese, and loft bed.
So if you read our blog and we have never met before I would love to get to know you, leave me a comment. I mean it's only fair right, you already know my goal weight and you really only share that with your best girlfriend
So if you read our blog and we have never met before I would love to get to know you, leave me a comment. I mean it's only fair right, you already know my goal weight and you really only share that with your best girlfriend
Monday, October 22, 2007
While stopped at a red light today......
I glanced over at the SUV next to me then looked back at the light and thought to myself, "Hmm, that guy was cute" and then I realized "Hey, that's my husband!"
Don't laugh because I'm so blond just be happy that I still think my husband is hot.
Don't laugh because I'm so blond just be happy that I still think my husband is hot.
Oh my Bear
This is what I did during church service. After the baptism Brandy went with me to take the older kids to the nursery and children's church. They both cried but seemed okay so we left. We returned and I thought I might actually get to hear a whole sermon! I was wrong. Timothy was hungry but wouldn't eat. I put him up to my shoulder to pat him and try to keep him quiet. I don't know if the people behind me were making faces or he just like them that much but Timbo started talking. If you know him then you know it was about to get loud. I tried as best I could to quietly exit the sanctuary, which is not very quietly when you are carrying a baby in one hand and an open diaper bag in a car seat. Timothy and I sat in the hall way but after a while I got bored and took a walk. As soon as I opened the nursery doors I could hear my Bear crying. I looked in his window and he was having the ugly cry. You know what I am talking about, the one where there is snot pouring and drool coming from the mouth. I went and got him and tried to maneuver in heels over toys with the baby on one hip and Brendon on the other. I do have to say that Bear wasn't crying alone there was a very nice young lady there trying to console him. Anyway once in the hall I got the tears to stop. He asked for a drink and this was how we spent the rest of our time waiting. Gotta love those water fountains.
Oh, this was too funny. As Cameron was walking across the platform Bear turns to me and says, "Mom, that boy walking looks just like Cameron!". Bless his heart we have been talking about going to the baptism for days.
What a blessed day
Sunday the kids and I (Jeff was working ) went to our friends church to see their oldest boy baptized. What a blessed day and we are so thankful to have had the chance to share it with them. I think Jeff said it wonderfully when he said, your child's rebirth is even better than the first one. Amen. Cameron, I am so very proud and happy for you buddy.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Okay y'all since Timbo is our last baby I guess I should get serious about the whole weight loss thing. I mean really for the last five years I have either been pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant so weight loss didn't really matter. I am under the way of thinking that you should eat just about whatever you want and as much as you want while pregnant. My large weight gain this time around was due to cake, cookies, or ice cream everyday and I am not kidding. So I now have a goal weight of 135. Who knows, once I get there I might go a little crazy and try for my weight at graduation but I doubt that will ever happen. So you can just ignore the numbers that will be posted from time to time, those are for me because if I wrote it on a piece of paper it would get lost. I'm a concrete kind of person so I need to see the number continuously go down or I will just quit.
What's wrong with my kids?
This morning I caught Kati licking the TV, that's right licking the television. No, there were no yummy commercials about delicious breakfast foods; the show was about the solar system.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Spending time with Paigers
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