Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Solitary Confinement

Phew, what a day! The kids have been fighting so much lately that I finally followed through with my threat and made them play in separate rooms for hours.
I was flipping chicken we screams erupted from the back of the house followed by foot steps pounding down the hallway. As Kati is trying to communicate to me, in a screeching voice, what just happened there are more pounding foot steps followed by Bear running into the kitchen and slapping Kati in the face. That was just one of the battles today.
After being confined Kati played away but Bear laid in the floor saying, around a mouth full of thumb I might add, "I not like this" but it sure didn't stop more fighting later.
As bad as today was it opened the door for discussion on sinning and Jesus always being able to see what we do.
I can only hope tomorrow is better but you still couldn't pay me enough to work outside the home.

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