The visit started out great! Timbo and I got there, signed in, and just played in the waiting room waiting for his name to be called when I noticed a man outside that looked like Jeffrey. It was Jeffrey! He surprised me by showing up, Jeff's job is very busy and he doesn't get to take much time off so I consider it a blessing from God that he was able to make it. That right there took a lot of tress off of me because I knew I wasn't going to be able to remember everything that Dr. McGoodDaddy was going to tell me.
Then when his name was called all the nurses oohed and aahed as he walked through the door. And really what mother doesn't like to hear how cute her kids is. Everyone commented on how big he was getting and I just puffed up with pride all the more. You have to remember that these nurses have seen my little guy since he was just three days old.
We were taken back to our room where the nurse made the mistake of asking me how he was doing and I then gave her my long list of issues. What mother doesn't want her kid to have perfect health and to have that perfect health right now. Anyway she left the room and I changed a horrible stinky diaper (not that I really needed to tell you that part but man was it a bad one) she then came back and said we where going to have x-rays done on his feet. That was a first for Timothy.
And it was a first for the nurse as well. She said she had never done an x-ray on someone so young before.
I was worried about how he was going to do but he did fantastic.
I was worried about how he was going to do but he did fantastic.
So Dr. McGoodDaddy came in and said a lot of things I won't be able to tell you because I have already forgotten. We got to see the x-rays which brought me to tears. We talked again about how we wouldn't be doing any surgeries until he was three (and maybe he won't need them then, we will just wait and see, don't borrow worry from tomorrow) because his feet are still growing and changing. I am glad, I don't want him to have a surgery unless he needs it.
So then the Dr said blah blah blah (not really, I just can't remember) we are going to fit him for casts. Oh how I bit my tongue. I thought to myself okay, I am going to do whatever he says because I trust him but I can't believe they are going to put him back in casts after all this time when he knows how to walk now this is just crazy they should have left him in casts like I thought if they were just going to put him back in them (aren't you glad you aren't in my mind, I talk fast and in run-on all the time).
Well the good news is I misunderstood. He won't be wearing casts McGoodDaddy was just going to cast his feet for some special inserts for shoes. And here is the most exciting part to me, no need to hold on to your socks because it won't be that exciting to you but I get to buy Timothy a pair of shoes for the first time. I know I know it probably sounds boring to you but he is 16 months old and have never had to option of picking what goes on those sweet feet. I can't wait to hit the store.
Jeffrey asked the question that I was wondering but didn't want to ask....Whenever we touch Timothy's feet he hates it. He doesn't even like me to wash them. I hate to admit it but I let his toe nails get way longer than I should because he just fusses so much when I cut them. I know some of you are reading this and thinking that your kids don't like their toe nails cut either but just remember this isn't my first kid, I have experience with two more before this and Timbo's fussing is different. So Jeff asked about it and the Doctor confirmed what I thought but didn't want to be true, He probably does have discomfort and pain in his feet. It's good to know but not something I wanted to hear. Watching Jeffrey hurt is bad enough but knowing that Timbo does too and can't tell anybody it's just too much for me.

Thank you for all of your prayers and I ask that you continue to pray. Pray that Timothy won't feel discomfort or pain and that I will continue to stay understanding that the healing will take time. Just like when you give your child medicine to bring down a high fever you are counting down the seconds until you see results I am counting down until I no longer see crooked feet. This just takes longer and I have to remind myself of that, sometimes several times a day.
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