Saturday, September 29, 2007

I am a clever clever Mama

At ten this morning when I was finally going to shower, because eventually Jeffrey will come home and I don't want to smell like a boys locker room, Kati asked me to do puzzles and where ever Kati is Bear is sure to follow. Now let me tell you I am not a fan of puzzle time and it's not that I don't want to enrich my children's brains it's the fights that follow. No, the fights aren't with Bug but with my Bear but who can blame him when he only has two puzzles he is able to do. Just imagine if you were only aloud to read the same two blog entries while you watched you older sister, who you are sure is much more favored, reads as many blogs as she likes. Well anyway puzzles are not the highlight of my Saturday so I say "you guys go pick up you room while I take a quick shower and then we can do the puzzles". Well that was two hours ago and they are still cleaning. I should tell you that the mess in their room was so slight that I could have cleaned it in less than two minutes. But I may have come across something truly brilliant here, as long as they are still "cleaning" I have free time. As far as I am concerned as much as Jeffrey has been gone they can clean until 2008. I must rush off so I can spend a few more moments in as much quite as I can get before someone ask for something unreasonable like lunch.

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