This is
Miko. You all have met her sister before, Sarah. I think every picture I have of
Miko she is posing. Even when I tried to sneak up on her she always got her pose in first. Isn't she a cutie.

This is Melissa P. It always amazes me how much teen
agers can sleep.

Who are these people you ask. Just random people. That's Jeff for ya.

The guy on the right is Kyle. He is fighting it out with Ryan, the camp speaker, while they play ultimate chicken.

You all know my Jeffrey. He was sure to point out that I didn't get any pictures of him catching the chicken. But you gotta admire that he went for it. What a team player.

Not, our camper, but the camp speaker, Ryan.

I don't know this kid but by day two this was the camp 'do. By the end of camp his hair was colored too.

Even the girls were doing it.

Here is Samantha S. She joined

This is Samantha B. and Valarie. They were always together so I thought they should appear that way on the blog. Samantha B. was another poser.

Here is Michele. I chose this picture because even enjoying a cool drink on a hot day she is adorable. Michele could be picking her nose and still be as cute as a button.

Now this, this is a
JT, or to other people a Jonathan. If you haven't noticed his glaring shorts yet they are made from duct tape. He is fun.

This is Kate. She loves
Myspace. And
JT got himself a camp boyfriend. No worries though. Just a few minutes after this shot was taken they had a fight over which
college they would be going to and it's over now.
That may be my favorite camp picture. Oh, the wonders of perception.
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