Sunday, May 24, 2009
Big Boy Bed
I finally finished his blanket. It's not like I want it to be but I was just so done with it. And the other kids where in their toddler beds long before this. When I caught him trying to climb into his crib I knew it was past time.
Look at my two boys. I am just sick with all this growing up. I know I didn't give anyone permission to do that.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
15 to go!
I lost one pound this week, so I'm down to 145. It's funny how the number can affect the way I see myself. I was feeling extra fluffy this week. I missed a day of working out, I haven't been eating to great and I quit smoking this week. I was sure I would have gained this week so when I saw me in the mirror I saw extra fluff.
I got on the scale this morning and was shocked. I only have 15 more pound to lose. I noticed the next time I looked in the mirror I didn't see fluff anymore. Now I know it didn't suddenly go away, it's just all in my mind. I think this is an important thing to remember. --If I feel good about my self I am more likely to like what I see in the mirror.
I moved on to Phase 2 of the 30 Day Shred and it's killing me. I don't think I will be moving on the Phase 3 anytime soon. Killing me or not I can tell a difference in the way that I feel. I was able to "air plane" Timbo over my head the other day. And Kati wanted a big hug and I just swooped her up into my arms for a bearhug. I didn't even notice until later that it didn't take me any effort. So even if it takes me awhile to drop the next 15 I like that I feel better.
I got on the scale this morning and was shocked. I only have 15 more pound to lose. I noticed the next time I looked in the mirror I didn't see fluff anymore. Now I know it didn't suddenly go away, it's just all in my mind. I think this is an important thing to remember. --If I feel good about my self I am more likely to like what I see in the mirror.
I moved on to Phase 2 of the 30 Day Shred and it's killing me. I don't think I will be moving on the Phase 3 anytime soon. Killing me or not I can tell a difference in the way that I feel. I was able to "air plane" Timbo over my head the other day. And Kati wanted a big hug and I just swooped her up into my arms for a bearhug. I didn't even notice until later that it didn't take me any effort. So even if it takes me awhile to drop the next 15 I like that I feel better.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's not a green thumb, I haven't done one thing to help this plant. Maybe that's why it's still alive.
I'm still not 100% sure but I'm taking my bets on a pumpkin plant. Whatever it is it sure is pretty. And clearly yummy, someone has enjoyed quite a few bites.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Just in case I was getting to big for my britches
Kati "Why are my pants like that?"
Me "Because you are tiny."
Kati "Where do I get that from?"
Me "I don't know."
Kati "Maaaybe from like Ms. Michele or Ms. Erica?"
Me "No it doesn't work like that. Do you think mommy is small?"
Kati, with a twisted face "No"
Me "Why not?"
Kati, same twisted face "Because I just don't."
While in Alabama we shopped for swimsuits. The boys were easy, just make sure they don't fall off their waists. For Kati however it's more difficult. First I have to deem it modest and then it can't be hideous and then for the part all woman hate, does it fit right? Kati and I have the same body type -mine with some extra fluff- She is going to be shapely in her bottom half. My big hips and behind have been something I liked about myself all these years, well except for maybe that time I knocked off more than one book on my way down the aisle of desks at school. And since it looks like Kati is going to be the same way and most girls don't like their big hips I try to make them seem okay. We have talked before, in regular conversation, about how God makes us all different and that is good because life would just be boring otherwise.
So anyway, sometimes finding a swimsuit that covers enough of her tush can be difficult. She would try one on, I would turn her around and see way more than I should, make her take it off and go on to the next one. We took eight suits with us. I was being to worry about what she was thinking about herself so I started the conversation again
"You know Kati God made us all different. Some of us are tall, some of us are tiny, some of us have brown skin, some of us have freckles-
"Like Daddy"
"-Yes like Daddy and I think you will have a lot like him too and you have a body shaped like Mommy's"
"No I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"Okay, why don't you?"
"Because your tummy is all squishy and wrinkly and mine doesn't look like that."
Okay, she has a point but before she destroyed my body my belly bottom was just a cute as hers. I do like to remind her every time we walk by bikini's that I will never again get to wear one because of her.
Me "Because you are tiny."
Kati "Where do I get that from?"
Me "I don't know."
Kati "Maaaybe from like Ms. Michele or Ms. Erica?"
Me "No it doesn't work like that. Do you think mommy is small?"
Kati, with a twisted face "No"
Me "Why not?"
Kati, same twisted face "Because I just don't."
While in Alabama we shopped for swimsuits. The boys were easy, just make sure they don't fall off their waists. For Kati however it's more difficult. First I have to deem it modest and then it can't be hideous and then for the part all woman hate, does it fit right? Kati and I have the same body type -mine with some extra fluff- She is going to be shapely in her bottom half. My big hips and behind have been something I liked about myself all these years, well except for maybe that time I knocked off more than one book on my way down the aisle of desks at school. And since it looks like Kati is going to be the same way and most girls don't like their big hips I try to make them seem okay. We have talked before, in regular conversation, about how God makes us all different and that is good because life would just be boring otherwise.
So anyway, sometimes finding a swimsuit that covers enough of her tush can be difficult. She would try one on, I would turn her around and see way more than I should, make her take it off and go on to the next one. We took eight suits with us. I was being to worry about what she was thinking about herself so I started the conversation again
"You know Kati God made us all different. Some of us are tall, some of us are tiny, some of us have brown skin, some of us have freckles-
"Like Daddy"
"-Yes like Daddy and I think you will have a lot like him too and you have a body shaped like Mommy's"
"No I don't"
"Yeah you do"
"Okay, why don't you?"
"Because your tummy is all squishy and wrinkly and mine doesn't look like that."
Okay, she has a point but before she destroyed my body my belly bottom was just a cute as hers. I do like to remind her every time we walk by bikini's that I will never again get to wear one because of her.
Friday, May 15, 2009
in the shadow of your wings

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
I read this post this morning and can really relate right now. I always have a problem with this and I think a lot of us struggle with it. Stop over and check it out.
Weigh in Wednesday
I have made it to 146. I am so excited. I still have a ways to go but still. I haven't been that small in so long. Around here that isn't what I say, I say I haven't been that healthy in a long time. I don't want Kati, or Bear for that matter, to think you have to be small. We are all built different and I just want their mind set to be for health. But for me, I know that I can be smaller, never tiny and always with big hips but I'm okay with that.
I have been working out with the 30 Day Shred. Yesterday while watching the biggest loser Kati said, "Mom, that girl has the same name and the same voice of the girl from your workout video."
The kids have been really excited about exercising and it nice to not just be alone in the room doing it. I wish you could see Bear doing butt kicks, Timothy doing crunches and Kati doing squat punches. They are a ball.
If you want a really good work out you should try it. I thought I might die after the first day. And the next morning I almost fell down when I got out of the bed but it was just because I am so out of shape. I was fine by day three. Jillian really pushes you in the video, by the end my hair is wet from sweat, even the tops of my toes feel sweaty. I can see results and I'm not even being that good about doing it everyday.
146, I can't believe it. It makes me believe 130 is possible.
I have been working out with the 30 Day Shred. Yesterday while watching the biggest loser Kati said, "Mom, that girl has the same name and the same voice of the girl from your workout video."
The kids have been really excited about exercising and it nice to not just be alone in the room doing it. I wish you could see Bear doing butt kicks, Timothy doing crunches and Kati doing squat punches. They are a ball.
If you want a really good work out you should try it. I thought I might die after the first day. And the next morning I almost fell down when I got out of the bed but it was just because I am so out of shape. I was fine by day three. Jillian really pushes you in the video, by the end my hair is wet from sweat, even the tops of my toes feel sweaty. I can see results and I'm not even being that good about doing it everyday.
146, I can't believe it. It makes me believe 130 is possible.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I love my boy with a deep unimaginable love
Friday, May 8, 2009
She told me she tripped over a pretend apple at church. When asked if she cried she beamed no. Someday all our kids are going to be in therapy and it will be my fault.
"Rub some dirt on it!" is what we say.
If you ask me that boo-boo deserved some tears maybe even a not nice word or too, not that I am speaking from experience.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
First I should say that this picture doesn't even come close to capturing the disgusting mess that is now my car.
Sunday the kids had their award ceremony for AWANA and I was so proud of them. There was to be an ice cream social afterwards but by the time I rounded up all our things and took Kati and Bear to the bathroom there was no where for us to sit as a family and still a long line to actually get ice cream. I threw caution to the wind and decided we would go out for ice cream, don't ask me what I was thinking. Anyway I figured the best bang for my buck would be a cookie monster from Cheddar's. That way we would only get one and share, it would cost less than ice cream for everyone and it would go faster.
When I pulled into Cheddar's parking lot I was so excited to get a spot right up close (after I waited for the drunk girl to get out of the way). We went in ordered right away and had a delightfully messy time. Thirty minutes later, thirty minutes, when I went outside that is how I found our car. Gross. I jokingly told the kids to quickly get in so we wouldn't get pooped on. That worked out just fine for them, not just fine for the person who has to buckle them in. And that's all I have to say about that.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Could someone please tell me what it is I am growing?
I do however want to have a green thumb and I love flower pots. In fact there is one a Wal-mart that has been calling to me now for months but I have shown marvelous restraint and not purchased it. I am embarrassed to admit that as of right now I have four flower pots sitting on my porch with nothing in them and one that has a severally struggling aloe vera. And then there is the pot pictured above. I have no idea what that is. I should tell you that I put several different seeds in there over the years and I have seen some squirrels bury things there. I have planted blue bonnets, onions, various flowers and I know that some pumpkin seeds from our jack 0 lantern fell in there as well.
I'm guessing pumpkin and that may be just wishful thinking on my part since I love them. Jeff said maybe I can grow one in the shape of the pot, like the Chinese grow their watermelons. That man cracks me up. One of the many reasons I married him.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Meet my new motivation. No I wasn't dumb enough to buy something I can't fit into but I did buy something that will look not so good on me now but in about ten pounds will look great. Seeing it hanging there makes me want to work harder. I realized the other day that I will never look like this again, three kids will do that to a girls body, but I can strive to look different.
Different here I come.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
See, I do have other kids!
Wednesday morning I wasn't feeling my best so I was somewhat hiding in my room hoping against all hope the kids just might sleep in that morning. But alas, the sun and moon and stars and scoobie-doo weren't all aligned and long before 7:00 am came I heard feet banging up and down the hall. God bless Bear's little heart, he walks just as loudly as I do. This could be a good thing for me. I was keenly aware as a teen that I would never be able to sneak for my loud walking and popping toes. And if I had to guess which one would sneak out.... at this point I would pick Bear. So maybe next time I won't lament those loud steps.
Whoa, I was totally sidetracked. That has nothing to do with the post....where was I. Oh, yes. I lay there in bed wanting to tell him to get back in his bed but then he would know that I was also awake and the barrage of 'I'm hungry's would start and dang it he wasn't even suppose to be awake yet. So I just lay there not feeling well and listening to him occasionally run up and down the hall. I thought at first that he was sneaking rides on his new scooter but later I learned different.
While his brother may prefer cookie dough Bear would rather his be cooked. The plate that had cookies piled high on it the night before had dwindled.
"Bear? Were you eating cookies this morning?"
I raised my eyebrows, "Bear?"
"No Mommy! I said I wasn't!"
"Okay, then let me look it your mouth."
Hand firmly clasped over any evidence, "I didn't eat any cookies!"
Whoa, I was totally sidetracked. That has nothing to do with the post....where was I. Oh, yes. I lay there in bed wanting to tell him to get back in his bed but then he would know that I was also awake and the barrage of 'I'm hungry's would start and dang it he wasn't even suppose to be awake yet. So I just lay there not feeling well and listening to him occasionally run up and down the hall. I thought at first that he was sneaking rides on his new scooter but later I learned different.
While his brother may prefer cookie dough Bear would rather his be cooked. The plate that had cookies piled high on it the night before had dwindled.
"Bear? Were you eating cookies this morning?"
I raised my eyebrows, "Bear?"
"No Mommy! I said I wasn't!"
"Okay, then let me look it your mouth."
Hand firmly clasped over any evidence, "I didn't eat any cookies!"
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