Is it cheating to call it "Flashback Friday" if it only happened last Friday?
I know, I know, you are probably thinking "
Another post about the zoo!", but the truth is we would live there if it were possible. In fact , Kati has already said that she wants her room with the penguins.

So I know I told you last time that every time we go to the zoo we see something new and that statement held out to be true this time as well. See this fake log, well it's half on our side and half in the black bear exhibit and that lovely lady standing by it is a zoo keeper how is feeding the bears through a hole in the log. If the kids had been brave enough they could have crawled in the log to get a close look at the bear. It would have been safe of course. To tell you the truth, if it hadn't been for all the grown-ups around I would have crawled in myself.

Taking a break

When we went into the bird area it was a little overwhelming. To say that the birds were ravinous would be an understatement. You can tell by Timothy's face that it was a little much.

But being the good natured kid that he is he adjusted quickly.
Now, I know there are about a million pictures of him with the birds but if you had been there you would understand.

He was just in love.

The little birdies would get on the feeder stick and he would get so excited and scream and shout and wave his arms that the bird would fly away out of fright.

Then he would just scream and cuss because he wanted another one.

And then some starving bird would come to him against their better judgment.
(Just look at that face, there was no containing that joy)

And it would happen all over again.

He had a great time. I hated to leave.

Here was the other new thing we got to see, cheetah's. When we come this guy and his mate are always hiding back in the tree, making it almost impossibly for little eyes to see them. But today was an acception, they were just out roaming around. The kids really enjoyed this treat.