Monday, October 29, 2012

Don't forget

It can be easy to just see the bio family as the "bad guys" and most people would agree.  Our MAPP class spent lots of time trying to get us to "build the bridge", meaning to build a relationship with them.  It sounds kind of nuts but when remember that the states goal is reunification (being returned to their family) it doesn't seem so crazy anymore.  These children are brought into your home and you fall in love.  When they are, possibly, returned to their family if you have any hope of seeing that child you will need to have built that relationship with the family beforehand.

That thought is somewhat easy to come to in class but once you have the children in your home sometimes it can be forgotten when you see the effects on the children from being "raised" by their bio family.

God doesn't want me to forget that when we were going threw our classes that I prayed our family would be a light for Christ.  Just recently while going threw my bible study I feel Christ was trying to remind me of my original goal of being a light, "have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?" James 2:4b
Also I read, from Beth Moore's book, "When He who was, who is, and who is to come sees each one of us, He sees who we were, who we are, and who we will become."
It just reminded me that no matter my thoughts of their families God loves them still.  Hard fact to swallow but true.

If you are reading this in the morning please be in prayer today, thank you.

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