Friday, February 15, 2008

Short and Sassy

On and off for a while we have talked to Kati about getting her hair cut and she has always flatly refused. I know some of you are thinking I am crazy but what does the Bible say, something about a woman's hair being her beauty, so I have just let it be because it is her hair. Well after I chopped my hair all off Kati has been waiting ever so impatiently to get hers cut as well.Once Kati said that was what she wanted I didn't want it anymore. Look at all the beautiful hair. I stalled for about two weeks until I finally gave in. Not that I didn't try and disway her. I told her "No more braids, no more pony tails, and you will probably be seven before it is ever this long again." All she asked was "When it's long again, then can you braid it". I of course had to tell her yes and that settled it, she still wanted it cut and I gave in. (Since Sarah was having her precious little one yesterday Grandma G was so wonderful to take Kati for me so my girl wouldn't have to wait any longer. She took lots of pictures for me.)
Here it goes

Oh, where is all of my babies hair?
Clearly she likes it. Look at her grinning at what she sees.

It doesn't come any cutier than this!
When she got home she made everyone close their eyes. She and Grandma ran inside a brushed it and Grandma came in the living room calling "Stacy". And in runs my beautiful little girl, being me. She looks so grown up.
She loves it! And so do we.

Here is the back. Can you see it swinging. I keep catching her swinging her head when she turns just to get that extra bounce out of her hair. Too cute!
Look at all that hair.
Here is me and my girl. With hair just like Mommy, just like she wanted. It's great having kids, they love you just as you are.

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