No Flashback Friday today. In light of my hair cut last night I was going to show you hair cuts from my past (I stole the idea from
BigMama) but I realized that looking at the same two cuts over a period of 12 years or more might be a little bit boring for you all. I will however post the new do later. Jeff took a picture he really liked last night but my face was so shiney you would need to wear glasses just to look at it. Jeffrey on the other hand is already blinded with love so he did not notice the nova like glow coming from the picture.
So instead of Flashback Friday I give you **
drum roll please** the worlds smallest athlete. Maybe other peoples babies do this and I shouldn't be so impressed but the other two kids never did this and I am just amazed. (that had to be a run on)
Timbo does this a lot now (he can get even higher than this) and it's just too cute! I am
convinced it is from all those weeks of lifting casts and having to lift that heavy bar on his shoes now.

He is going to be the only baby with huge biceps and a six pack.
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