I decided we really needed to have the carpets cleaned because Timothy has been right on the verge of crawling lately. (Oh, by the way I forgot to post that he learned how to sit up on his own this week) He pulls himself up on his knees and does the whole rocking motion and at mom's night he put on hand out like he was about to take off. You would think with him being our last I wouldn't want to rush him so much but I just couldn't wait to see he get somewhere or to grow a tooth but that something entirely different. Anyhow, yesterday morning we were having a "picnic" waiting for the carpet guy to show up when
Timbo crawled towards my cup. We are all very excited around here. You know how it is with babies though he might not crawl again for a little while so no pressure on the little guy but I can't wait to see it again.
The first time Bear crawled was to grab a ladies toes. I got so excited I snatched him up, who knows how far he would have crawled if I hadn't stopped him.
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