Thursday, January 31, 2008
Unless your home is burning down don't call me after 6 pm
because I will be preparing for the season premire of LOST! I can't wait! Is it just me or is anyone else holding out hope that some how Charlie is going to make it? Who is going to look after Claire and Aaron? Besides his accent was just way to fun to listen to and you can't get enough of listening to him sing "You all everybody", are those the only words to that song because I haven't heard any other ones.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Duct tape?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The new 'do
Blech! Okay, so I have learned that I hate pictures of me.
Here is the old 'do, one of the same styles that I have had for years. Except it is usually thrown up in a ponytail looking much worse.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
No Flashback Friday today. In light of my hair cut last night I was going to show you hair cuts from my past (I stole the idea from BigMama) but I realized that looking at the same two cuts over a period of 12 years or more might be a little bit boring for you all. I will however post the new do later. Jeff took a picture he really liked last night but my face was so shiney you would need to wear glasses just to look at it. Jeffrey on the other hand is already blinded with love so he did not notice the nova like glow coming from the picture.
So instead of Flashback Friday I give you **drum roll please** the worlds smallest athlete. Maybe other peoples babies do this and I shouldn't be so impressed but the other two kids never did this and I am just amazed. (that had to be a run on) Timbo does this a lot now (he can get even higher than this) and it's just too cute! I am convinced it is from all those weeks of lifting casts and having to lift that heavy bar on his shoes now.
He is going to be the only baby with huge biceps and a six pack.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Tonight I am going to get my hair all chopped off. I'm really excited and nervous too, but as I looked for the perfect cut on the internet I read "It's not an arm. It will grow back" it gave me some perspective.
The following conversation happened just the other day.....
Kati, I'm so excited about getting my hair all cut off.
And if I like it (meaning my hair) I'm gonna get my hair all cut off too, just like Kayla's.
Mommy, will my hair be all black then like Kayla's or will it still be blond like my hair?
Oh, no no, it will still be blond. Getting your hair cut doesn't change the color it just changes how long your hair is.
But sometimes you say 'I'm gonna get my hair cut and colored'
I love kids!
Jeff and I are really really nervous about Kati getting her hair cut short. It will be adorable, I know, but she has had this long beautiful hair forever. I won't be able to braid it any more, no more ponytails, no more experimenting with new 'dos and I'll have to blow dry it. It kind of seems like too grown up of a thing to do.
The following conversation happened just the other day.....
Kati, I'm so excited about getting my hair all cut off.
And if I like it (meaning my hair) I'm gonna get my hair all cut off too, just like Kayla's.
Mommy, will my hair be all black then like Kayla's or will it still be blond like my hair?
Oh, no no, it will still be blond. Getting your hair cut doesn't change the color it just changes how long your hair is.
But sometimes you say 'I'm gonna get my hair cut and colored'
I love kids!
Jeff and I are really really nervous about Kati getting her hair cut short. It will be adorable, I know, but she has had this long beautiful hair forever. I won't be able to braid it any more, no more ponytails, no more experimenting with new 'dos and I'll have to blow dry it. It kind of seems like too grown up of a thing to do.
Update on Timbo's feet
Yesterday we had a follow up appointment with Dr. McGoodDaddy, it went fine. He asked how things were going and I told him. He smiled. We talked some more. The thing is Timothy's foot is a little to big for his shoe and according to Dr McGoodDaddy Timbo is flexing his foot to get it out of the shoe. So what he wants me to try, no gasping please, is to duck tape around the top of his shoe and the sock so he can't get out. I know it sound awful but it's the same idea as using coban, which we have already used, but duck tape is a lot cheaper, in the words of the Dr, "Duck tape, it just works for everything". I'm sure after a while it's going to leave his shoes looking o' so pretty but what's a mommy to do right.
He also wants me to have Timothy wear his shoes during the day now as well, no duck tape then. We will go back and see Dr McGoodDaddy in two months when Timbo is nine months old. At some point in the near future we may get him some, bare with me I have never heard this term before so it mostly like will not be spelt right, straight lac shoes that he would wear until about two. These would be for the day time and he would continue to wear the brace at night.
I try not to think too far ahead because things could change, especially with how young he is. So for right now the plan is to buy duck tape. It sounds crazy I know.
He also wants me to have Timothy wear his shoes during the day now as well, no duck tape then. We will go back and see Dr McGoodDaddy in two months when Timbo is nine months old. At some point in the near future we may get him some, bare with me I have never heard this term before so it mostly like will not be spelt right, straight lac shoes that he would wear until about two. These would be for the day time and he would continue to wear the brace at night.
I try not to think too far ahead because things could change, especially with how young he is. So for right now the plan is to buy duck tape. It sounds crazy I know.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I'll have to remember this one
Jeff and I were watching an old John Wayne movie, The Cowboys, and I heard a great line that I will have to store away for the kids teen years....
"Don't waste your innocence on me, I don't believe in it."
I hope I'll never need it. :)
"Don't waste your innocence on me, I don't believe in it."
I hope I'll never need it. :)
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
A day of rest?
Sunday's are very busy days for our family. The kids get up early so we can rush threw breakfast and get dressed quickly for church. After church we come home and I rush to make lunch. We eat lunch and then the kids lay down for a nap finally around 1:30 or 2:00. I don't wake the kids up until 4:15, which gives us just enough time to get dressed, go potty and gather our things to leave by 4:45 for AWANA's. Notice I didn't say anything about dinner. This is what I hate about the time for AWANA's. So as awful as it sounds we don't eat dinner; I give the kids a snack (sometimes) on the way to church, then they eat another snack provided by the church and on the way home I give them another snack. It's our snack dinner, I don't like it but it's what we have to do. So anyway, we are driving home last night, the kids are tired, it's been a long day and I let Bear hold the bag of vanilla wafers. I heard complaint after complaint about how Bear wasn't sharing and Bear would holler back a muffled "But I'm hungry" with a mouth full of cookies. And then all of the sudden Brendon cries out "Somebody bited my finger!" I guess he got a little over zealous and forgot to pull all the fingers out first. Then just a few minutes later there was an all out fight. Jeff and I still aren't sure what started it but both the kids looked at each other and began screaming at the top of their lungs. If they hadn't been restrained by their harness buckles there would have been a cat fight. If you have never seen a little restrained body with flailing arms and legs you should, it's quit funny. Yes, I admit, I am one of those moms. I laugh when they trip or fall out of a chair. Life is just too short to fly off the handle every time something happens, because with three kids something is always happening.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It's a good day when.....
- you can worship your Lord without persecution
- when you wake up next to the same man you have been waking up to for seven years and you're still happy about it
- you know he is still happy waking up next to you too
- you have three little ones sleeping just down the hall
- you get to go to the movies with your mom
- you get to go visit your mother in law just because
- even though you miss your daddy you know he is doing something so awesome and you'd rather him be where he is anyway
Friday, January 18, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
A lil' help
Ever since I rearranged our table in the kitchen Bear leans all over Jeff while we eat. He just wont stay in his seat. The other night while I was gone at mom's night this took place:
Bear was standing up in his chair, sitting sideways, with one hiney cheek on and one hiney cheek off, any way but the right way and several times Jeffrey told him to sit down. Then he got out of his chair. Jeff told him to get back in it and Bear said he could not. Again Jeff said to get in and again Bear claimed he couldn't get in. Then Brendon just gave it a half hearted try and said again he couldn't. After several times of this Bear then said "I can't do it, I need help". So it started again with the "get in your chair"' s and the "I can't do it"'s so Jeff gave him a little pop on the bum to encourage him. Brendon immediately scurried right up into the chair. Kati, wearing a mischievous grin and a twinkly in her voice said, "Well that helped you right up didn't it"?
Bear was standing up in his chair, sitting sideways, with one hiney cheek on and one hiney cheek off, any way but the right way and several times Jeffrey told him to sit down. Then he got out of his chair. Jeff told him to get back in it and Bear said he could not. Again Jeff said to get in and again Bear claimed he couldn't get in. Then Brendon just gave it a half hearted try and said again he couldn't. After several times of this Bear then said "I can't do it, I need help". So it started again with the "get in your chair"' s and the "I can't do it"'s so Jeff gave him a little pop on the bum to encourage him. Brendon immediately scurried right up into the chair. Kati, wearing a mischievous grin and a twinkly in her voice said, "Well that helped you right up didn't it"?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Just in time
The first time Bear crawled was to grab a ladies toes. I got so excited I snatched him up, who knows how far he would have crawled if I hadn't stopped him.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Flashback Friday
I think Kati and I look alike but I couldn't seem to find a picture to convey that. I asked the kids and they say this picture doesn't look like Kati either. In fact Kati said it looks like my sister Courtney and not me.
So anyway here is me and Kati both at 18 months.
I mean look, we both have the same nose and lips, maybe the eyebrows are the same too. And we're both girls.......

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Another trip to the "radio"
We made another trip to the rodeo before the boys went home. Every time we go I think to myself I hate the rodeo . I usually bring a book and try to looked pleased but ya know what the longer we have been married the more I like the rodeo. I actually enjoy going now. I am actually looking forward to the next time we go, my pocketbook isn't, but I am. I may not know exactly what's going on but I am having a good time. I'd ask one of the boys to explain it to me but then I would have so many questions they would miss everything.

Believe it or not even Timbo was enjoying himself. Even though we were sitting in the last possible row his little head was just whippin' all around watching what was going on in the arena.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
What if I told you for the next 365 nights you would have to sleep in the same position without changing it all night long? For a whole year you would have to sleep on your back, legs straight and feet spread and turned out. Would you baulk at that?
We have a whole year of Timothy sleeping in his braces/shoes and I think it may be a long one. I know I said "he made it" but I either jinxed myself or the baby read it and wants to make a liar out of me. I am not sure how we are going to get his feet any straighter this way and it is so frustrating. More than anything I feel sorry for him. I roll over and reposition myself numerous times a night; he must be fed up with these shoes. I can hear him in there squirming and moving just trying to get comfortable but to no avail.
I know this may seem insignificant to some but please pray that he will either become use to these braces or the doctors will find some other way to help his precious feet.
And praise God for how much they have already changed.
We have a whole year of Timothy sleeping in his braces/shoes and I think it may be a long one. I know I said "he made it" but I either jinxed myself or the baby read it and wants to make a liar out of me. I am not sure how we are going to get his feet any straighter this way and it is so frustrating. More than anything I feel sorry for him. I roll over and reposition myself numerous times a night; he must be fed up with these shoes. I can hear him in there squirming and moving just trying to get comfortable but to no avail.
I know this may seem insignificant to some but please pray that he will either become use to these braces or the doctors will find some other way to help his precious feet.
And praise God for how much they have already changed.
A trip to the zoo with Daddy
nooo, Jeff didn't get to go, I'm talking about my daddy. Ever since the kids have been born I call him Grandpa and not Daddy nearly enough. We had a great time looking at all of God's wonderful creations. I had to say wonderful there and not beautiful because lets face it some animals are just down right ugly.

Monday, January 7, 2008
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