For three years we have loved our podiatrist and his staff. It helped that everyone in the office is just in love with Timothy. And why wouldn't they be they have watched him grow up. At our last visit Dr. McGoodDaddy said it was time to consider surgery. I will spare you the long story and make it short. His feet are not going to get better on their own, he won't be growing out of this. We can do nothing. We can do surgery now. Or we can do surgery when he is six. At six his bones would have to be cut. We opted for surgery now.
Next week Dr. McGoodDaddy will operate on Timothy under a live x-ray. After he gets his feet in position he will place pins in his feet to keep them that way. The pins will be coming out of his skin so Timothy will need casts again to keep him from pulling the pins out.
Happy isn't the right word to say what we feel. We are just glad that we are trying something new to help him out.
I would appreciate your prayers. I have absolute faith in Dr. McGoodDaddy but this anesthesiologist doesn't know us. He has no personal connection I don't want this to be "just another day at the office" for him. Please pray that everyone involved is on their top game and that our little guy receives the best treatment.
Oh, I should mention....
He will only be doing one foot at a time so Timothy can still be mobile. Yes, I said mobile. Dr. McGoodDaddy said Timothy will figure out all on his own how to walk on his cast.
I was going to post links to other blog posts but somehow they are missing. What gives?
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