I go back to praying but can't resist the urge to peek at his sweet face. I open my eyes to see another set of eyes, beautiful milk chocolate brown, just inches from mine. His round cheek turn upward as he sees me looking at him. "Kissy-kissy", I hear. He clumsily comes to kiss my forehead, right where I needed a kiss. His cool lips mash against my warm forehead and an arm is thrown around me as my face is smashed into his chest. I am certain I must have an imprint of the penguin skiing from his pajamas tattooed to my face. This time I hear "huggy- huggy". He settles back down with Daddy Bubba tucked under one arm while the other is upraised with a thumb firmly tucked in his mouth. I close my eyes. Even though I would rather stare at him for the next hour and a half I know he wont sleep if I am looking at him.
I return to my thoughts of summer when his sleepy baby breathe begins to blow my hair from my forehead. I try not to smile. He begins to quietly sing the 'abc's'. A soft delicate, un-worked, baby hand strokes my cheek, cool against my face. Refreshing. I can feel his love for me, almost hearing the words he likes to say to me, "You da best momma in da whole world." I lay there thanking my Lord for this precious gift and my two other gifts just down the hall..........

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