We went and picked strawberries again
this year. This year we had the extra added pleasure of Jeffrey joining us. He liked it! It's so much fun but the problem is we always have to cute the fun short. The pounds of strawberries quickly add up and before you know it you have ten dollars worth of strawberries and what does one do with all that red
yumminess unless you are making jam. Which I haven't tried yet but at some point I am sure I will. All that steaming and whatnot to prevent later botulism kind of unnerves me. Like how I throw out medical terms there, I don't even know botulism is or what happens when you get it but I liked how it sounded.
Hey, look at that, I just looked it up and I actually used the word right. I must have picked up the word in one of my books. The brain is an amazing thing.

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