But sadly Taylor Swift has brought naughtiness into my home.

It's hard to believe anyone so sweet and innocent looking could cause my children to sin and thus receive a tongue spanking.
Bear's favorite song by her is Picture to burn. It's his favorite because she sings about a truck. However she also calls that same truck stupid. Thus becoming his new, and yet secretly used, word.
Cursing is not aloud in our home. In fact, we don't even say things like, stupid, dumb, or shut up. "Butt" is about as racy as it gets around here.
That is until Friday.
After we came home from Bear's CAT scan I began helping Jeffrey with yard work. The kids were playing in the front yard and having a great time. Bear was having fun trying to drive over the mound of grass I was bagging but I had to make him stop. Now that my pile was all askew I had to rake it up. Bear is just standing on the sidelines watching, when out of the mouth of babes (with his country voice, I might add)............
"My mommy is raking up all that damn hay."
"What did you just say?"
"No, before that."
"No, Bear after that."
I gave up, "Bear, we don't say words like that, they're ugly."
Jeff's response. "Where did he learn that? And how does he know how to use it right?"
Thanks, Taylor, thanks a lot.
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