There is much weeping and gnashing of teeth going on. Why you ask. My camera is broken. Now I know some of you think it's too bad but not a big deal, but I also know some of you photo nuts like me are truly feeling my pain this morning, and I thank you.
Here is how this tragic event happened. We were at the check out lane at wal-mart when my purse fell from the check writing spot thingie. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about because my description isn't getting any better than that. Anyway, I saw it falling but couldn't catch it. When I checked my camera later it wouldn't even turn on. It's an anticlimactic story, I know. I'm sorry, I am sure you were hoping for a more exciting story. Like, we were out painting Bear's bed when the extinct dodo bird swooped in while I was taking darling pictures of my children and he snatched it right from my paintie hands and flew quickly from sight.
So I will leave it up to you to decided. Swoopie dodo bird or the check out line at wal-mart. I lead an exciting life y'all.
I take dozens of pictures each week and life is just not going to be the same without my camera. Eventually we will get a new one but until then there will be a void in my life.
And the life of the blog as well. Hopefully I have enough old pictures to keep all three of you entertained until we can get a new one.
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