Monday, April 28, 2008
Another birthday celebration for Bear
Seriously, I'm thinking concussion is the way to go. This boy got a celebration with us, one at his Grandparent's house, we are headed to the zoo with my mom next week, he will get a party eventually, and he received a present in the mail from his Aunt and Uncle.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
We went and picked strawberries again this year. This year we had the extra added pleasure of Jeffrey joining us. He liked it! It's so much fun but the problem is we always have to cute the fun short. The pounds of strawberries quickly add up and before you know it you have ten dollars worth of strawberries and what does one do with all that red yumminess unless you are making jam. Which I haven't tried yet but at some point I am sure I will. All that steaming and whatnot to prevent later botulism kind of unnerves me. Like how I throw out medical terms there, I don't even know botulism is or what happens when you get it but I liked how it sounded.
Hey, look at that, I just looked it up and I actually used the word right. I must have picked up the word in one of my books. The brain is an amazing thing.

Hey, look at that, I just looked it up and I actually used the word right. I must have picked up the word in one of my books. The brain is an amazing thing.

Friday, April 25, 2008
Update on Erica
All of her numbers have returned to the normal range
A nasty virus she had attacked her bone marrow but she is fine and cleared by the doctor now.
Praise God!
A nasty virus she had attacked her bone marrow but she is fine and cleared by the doctor now.
Praise God!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Have you ever
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that you continued to sleep threw an alarm that had been going off for thirty minutes?
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that someone was bouncing the bed, shaking you and yet you continued to sleep?
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that you were awakened by someone checking your pulse just to make sure you are alright?
Have you ever woken up with puffy swollen eyes and are pretty sure they are from crying in your sleep?
Have you ever woken up from a dream where your husband was leaving you and been mad at him even though he didn't really do anything?
Welcome to my morning. Love you babe. Thanks for laughing when I told you I was a little mad. Does anyone else remember the episode of I Love Lucy where she wakes up from a dream and starts beating Ricki with a pillow? I loved that one.
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that someone was bouncing the bed, shaking you and yet you continued to sleep?
Have you ever been so deep in a dream that you were awakened by someone checking your pulse just to make sure you are alright?
Have you ever woken up with puffy swollen eyes and are pretty sure they are from crying in your sleep?
Have you ever woken up from a dream where your husband was leaving you and been mad at him even though he didn't really do anything?
Welcome to my morning. Love you babe. Thanks for laughing when I told you I was a little mad. Does anyone else remember the episode of I Love Lucy where she wakes up from a dream and starts beating Ricki with a pillow? I loved that one.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
**Warning** cursing involved
My children have fallen in love with Taylor Swift. I'm sure if Kati could look like anyone she wanted she would choose Taylor Swift and if Bear knew what it meant to date, she would be his heart throb. They love the sound of her voice and are always sure to point out anyone who might remotely look like her in any way shape or form.
But sadly Taylor Swift has brought naughtiness into my home.

It's hard to believe anyone so sweet and innocent looking could cause my children to sin and thus receive a tongue spanking.
Bear's favorite song by her is Picture to burn. It's his favorite because she sings about a truck. However she also calls that same truck stupid. Thus becoming his new, and yet secretly used, word.
Cursing is not aloud in our home. In fact, we don't even say things like, stupid, dumb, or shut up. "Butt" is about as racy as it gets around here.
That is until Friday.
After we came home from Bear's CAT scan I began helping Jeffrey with yard work. The kids were playing in the front yard and having a great time. Bear was having fun trying to drive over the mound of grass I was bagging but I had to make him stop. Now that my pile was all askew I had to rake it up. Bear is just standing on the sidelines watching, when out of the mouth of babes (with his country voice, I might add)............
"My mommy is raking up all that damn hay."
"What did you just say?"
"No, before that."
"No, Bear after that."
I gave up, "Bear, we don't say words like that, they're ugly."
Jeff's response. "Where did he learn that? And how does he know how to use it right?"
Thanks, Taylor, thanks a lot.
But sadly Taylor Swift has brought naughtiness into my home.

It's hard to believe anyone so sweet and innocent looking could cause my children to sin and thus receive a tongue spanking.
Bear's favorite song by her is Picture to burn. It's his favorite because she sings about a truck. However she also calls that same truck stupid. Thus becoming his new, and yet secretly used, word.
Cursing is not aloud in our home. In fact, we don't even say things like, stupid, dumb, or shut up. "Butt" is about as racy as it gets around here.
That is until Friday.
After we came home from Bear's CAT scan I began helping Jeffrey with yard work. The kids were playing in the front yard and having a great time. Bear was having fun trying to drive over the mound of grass I was bagging but I had to make him stop. Now that my pile was all askew I had to rake it up. Bear is just standing on the sidelines watching, when out of the mouth of babes (with his country voice, I might add)............
"My mommy is raking up all that damn hay."
"What did you just say?"
"No, before that."
"No, Bear after that."
I gave up, "Bear, we don't say words like that, they're ugly."
Jeff's response. "Where did he learn that? And how does he know how to use it right?"
Thanks, Taylor, thanks a lot.
Monday, April 21, 2008
It's gone
There is much weeping and gnashing of teeth going on. Why you ask. My camera is broken. Now I know some of you think it's too bad but not a big deal, but I also know some of you photo nuts like me are truly feeling my pain this morning, and I thank you.
Here is how this tragic event happened. We were at the check out lane at wal-mart when my purse fell from the check writing spot thingie. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about because my description isn't getting any better than that. Anyway, I saw it falling but couldn't catch it. When I checked my camera later it wouldn't even turn on. It's an anticlimactic story, I know. I'm sorry, I am sure you were hoping for a more exciting story. Like, we were out painting Bear's bed when the extinct dodo bird swooped in while I was taking darling pictures of my children and he snatched it right from my paintie hands and flew quickly from sight.
So I will leave it up to you to decided. Swoopie dodo bird or the check out line at wal-mart. I lead an exciting life y'all.
I take dozens of pictures each week and life is just not going to be the same without my camera. Eventually we will get a new one but until then there will be a void in my life.
And the life of the blog as well. Hopefully I have enough old pictures to keep all three of you entertained until we can get a new one.
Here is how this tragic event happened. We were at the check out lane at wal-mart when my purse fell from the check writing spot thingie. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about because my description isn't getting any better than that. Anyway, I saw it falling but couldn't catch it. When I checked my camera later it wouldn't even turn on. It's an anticlimactic story, I know. I'm sorry, I am sure you were hoping for a more exciting story. Like, we were out painting Bear's bed when the extinct dodo bird swooped in while I was taking darling pictures of my children and he snatched it right from my paintie hands and flew quickly from sight.
So I will leave it up to you to decided. Swoopie dodo bird or the check out line at wal-mart. I lead an exciting life y'all.
I take dozens of pictures each week and life is just not going to be the same without my camera. Eventually we will get a new one but until then there will be a void in my life.
And the life of the blog as well. Hopefully I have enough old pictures to keep all three of you entertained until we can get a new one.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Ahh, the joys of motherhood
Between two of my kids I got up a total of nine times last night. I guess church will be attended threw a sleepy fog..............................
The kids are totally worth it
Saturday, April 19, 2008
**Drum Roll Please**
Friday, April 18, 2008
Flashback Friday

This one is of my family. Can you guess which one is my mom? If you know my mom then you can probably guess which one is her mom.
This is terrible, after I began posting I realized I don't know everyone in the picture.
The girl on the right in the top row is one of my aunts but I'm not sure if it's Carol or Sue.
The bottom row from left to right:
My great-grandmother, my mom, my grandfather, my grandmother, and my Aunt Judy.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
This just in..........
accurance is actually spelled, occurrence. Who knew. I spell like I talk, which isn't proper. I blame my errors on blogger for not having spell check in the "Title" portion. Well, and I also blame it on my ISD for taking out phonics the year I began kindergarten.
My Dad says I should look it up in the dictionary and I do if I think it isn't right, but if I looked up every word, instead of just the ones I know are wrong, I would just have to quite blogging all together. So I vote for typo's. And error's in punctuation and sometimes run on sentences and many other things I am sure I do wrong.
If the writing is to hard to read feel free to just look at pictures of my darling kids........ :)
I'll give another update on Erica when I get one. Thank you for your prayers.
My Dad says I should look it up in the dictionary and I do if I think it isn't right, but if I looked up every word, instead of just the ones I know are wrong, I would just have to quite blogging all together. So I vote for typo's. And error's in punctuation and sometimes run on sentences and many other things I am sure I do wrong.
If the writing is to hard to read feel free to just look at pictures of my darling kids........ :)
I'll give another update on Erica when I get one. Thank you for your prayers.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Prayer Request
Erica went to the Dr. today. He seems to think it might just be a nasty virus but they won't get the results from the blood test until sometime Tuesday. Thank you for your continued prayers.
See the gorgeous lady sitting next to me? Well, that's my friend Erica. I would like for you to stop this morning and take the time to pray for her and her family. I'm not going to go into all the details, well honestly because it would just getting me bawling this morning, but her family has had a rough go of life. She has been sick. She went to the doctor and has a low white cell count and platelet count, really low. And although I am trusting my Lord, I am still worrying, because that's what I do and because she is my friend, very dear to me.
Today she is going back to the doctor to have more blood taken and to get another count. It could be nothing but it could be something. Again, I don't want to bawl but please, please, please, keep her in your prayers.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Because of Bear's concussion we cancelled his birthday party. It was probably best since the post office lost the invites. I just figured if the doctor didn't even want him going to church he probably didn't want Bear partying down. And I didn't think Bear would any fun watching everyone else have fun while he had to sit on the side lines. So instead of a party we just celebrated at home with the five of us.
Don't question the cake, he wanted it like that. What can I say, he has an older sister and pretty much worships the ground she walks, that is when they aren't fighting. I'm sure Daddy and all the Uncles will be glad when Timbo gets a little older and Bear will have a boy to do guy stuff with.
I know it's fuzzy but I had to share this picture with you. Bear chose burgers for dinner, which I don't know why because he will not eat burgers, but we made them anyway. Anyway, what I wanted to show you was Kati's mound of pickles. I put them on her plate and let her put them on the burger. Now, myself, I like a pickle in every bite, Kati on the other hand has other likes. I think that was about six or seven pickles.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
For all the people who stop me at the store and ask, "Are they all yours?"
When Jeff and I began dating we talked about how many children we would want. Well, truth be told like any girl I had be thinking and planning this part of my life long before I even met Jeff. Even when I was little I knew I wanted three kids. And in the interest of being open and honest I will go ahead a share their names with you. Now, no laughing, and I mean that. I was kid without many friends and a lot of time on my hands.
I wanted twins, a boy and a girl, and then another boy. Now I really meant what I said about no laughing here. The girl was to be named Ivy Rain Sky. No, I didn't know a boy with the last name of Sky, she was to have two middle names. It was a mouth full and she was likely to be beat up but I thought it had character. For her twin, Thackery Rene. I'm not sure what I would have called him for short but again I'm sure he would have be teased. Their little brother was too be named Brody, I can't remember what his middle name was to be, maybe Daniel or who knows maybe I was going to go with something artsy like Dirt, who's to say.
In the end, I met Jeff and he nixed my first two names. I nixed the third because at some point after picking the name Brody I met one and we dated for some time.
It didn't really matter if I had a third name or not Jeffrey said we were only going to have two anyway. Of course you all know how that turned out. And not by my doing, Jeffrey was the one that wanted to extend our family to five, not that I minded. Truth be told we would probably end up with a family of oh, I don't 60 or so, because I just love being pregnant so darn much.
Now I don't think three kids is a lot but apparently most of America does. Just this week when someone found out I had three kids she wanted to know if we were done. When I said yes she said, "Three a lot, no more, good." I guess it's a good thing I didn't tell her I look upon pregnant women with envy.
Maybe Kati heard the scripture about a full quiver or maybe she just really loves baby dolls but her bed is full of kids. Why don't you come along and meet them......
And this isn't even everybody. When she first started asking to sleep with them only two were aloud but I'm a push-over. Well, and being that her bed is so high up I couldn't see all of them up there. When I kiss her goodnight I either have to stand on my tip toes or on a stool.
I wanted twins, a boy and a girl, and then another boy. Now I really meant what I said about no laughing here. The girl was to be named Ivy Rain Sky. No, I didn't know a boy with the last name of Sky, she was to have two middle names. It was a mouth full and she was likely to be beat up but I thought it had character. For her twin, Thackery Rene. I'm not sure what I would have called him for short but again I'm sure he would have be teased. Their little brother was too be named Brody, I can't remember what his middle name was to be, maybe Daniel or who knows maybe I was going to go with something artsy like Dirt, who's to say.
In the end, I met Jeff and he nixed my first two names. I nixed the third because at some point after picking the name Brody I met one and we dated for some time.
It didn't really matter if I had a third name or not Jeffrey said we were only going to have two anyway. Of course you all know how that turned out. And not by my doing, Jeffrey was the one that wanted to extend our family to five, not that I minded. Truth be told we would probably end up with a family of oh, I don't 60 or so, because I just love being pregnant so darn much.
Now I don't think three kids is a lot but apparently most of America does. Just this week when someone found out I had three kids she wanted to know if we were done. When I said yes she said, "Three a lot, no more, good." I guess it's a good thing I didn't tell her I look upon pregnant women with envy.
Maybe Kati heard the scripture about a full quiver or maybe she just really loves baby dolls but her bed is full of kids. Why don't you come along and meet them......
And this isn't even everybody. When she first started asking to sleep with them only two were aloud but I'm a push-over. Well, and being that her bed is so high up I couldn't see all of them up there. When I kiss her goodnight I either have to stand on my tip toes or on a stool.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Flashback with a well check
Welcome to my sick ward
Since Sunday I have washed approximately 10 loads of sheets. That doesn't count the times I have had to wash the comforter or mattress cover separately. Nor does that count the numerous loads of clothes that had to be washed because of barf or other yucky bodily fluids. And I hate to say it but I may end up being my own patient by the end of the day, I've got stomach cramps and am achie all over. On the plus side we have a house over our heads to protect us from the serious storms that are on their way. At least all the thunder will cheer me up. On the down side because of all the rain the horrible smell that creeps up from our crawl space has returned........and is only going to get worse with the storms coming.
I can't really complain to much. I think this is the first time I have had all the kids sick at once. Well, Bear is sicksick he is just having his "concussive tendencies".
Here is to hoping everyone at your house is well and enjoying this fun weather.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Today my baby boy turns 3!
It seems just like yesterday I was looking at that handsome face for the very first time........
while he peed on mine. He sure does love that story and I sure do love him. Never forget that my little man!
while he peed on mine. He sure does love that story and I sure do love him. Never forget that my little man!
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