Thursday, September 7, 2006

Don't ya just love it....

Don't ya just love it when people you don't even know what to tell you how to raise your own kids. We were at the park yesterday as were many families but one family in particular, including the Grandma, that I noticed. This boy, about 6, was doing his homework. First of what kind of torture is that after all this scorching heat to take your kid to the park on a nice day and then make them do homework. The boy was working on reading and writing and the Grandmother was only correcting, and not very nicely I might add, and never handing out praise for getting things right. I was so sad for this kid I had to tell him I thought he was doing a good job after Grandmameany went to go swing on the bench swing. This kid would work for a while and then get distracted by all the sights (and who could blame a little boy for being distracted at the park) and Grandmameany would holler over about taking points away (? who knows). Finally she came over and told him quit stopping his work and get busy, to which he replied, "Grandma quite saying that. Every time you say that I have to stop to listen to you." I had to stiffly my giggles. Then the woman proceeds to tell me to "take notes". Who wants to take notes from a grouchy old woman. I should have told her the raising of my kids includes praise.

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