The day after Halloween we had Timothy's right cast taken off. Here are a million pictures

That's nurse Sarah, we love her. She is using a
very loud saw to cut through the cast.

I've always thought Bear was the one that looked like Jeff but in this picture Bo does as well. I've got trouble on my hands having 3 kids this good looking.

I'm not sure what it was but these last casts were just filthy!

And there it is, a beautiful right foot.

The following pictures are of him getting his cast removed on the left foot for the first time after surgery and recasting.

Some people asked if the blue tubing was for drainage from the surgery. Actually it goes to a cooling system that it totally awesome. It is
attached to a pad with coils on the inside. You hook it up to a machine inside of a igloo cooler. At various times it pumps new ice cold water in to ice his foot down to control swelling.
It works great. In fact I used it recently on my bum for an injury I got skating,
That is all the padding they use to insure that his foot won't be damaged from all the cold that is constantly on it.

Look at how skinny his leg is from being in that cast for all those weeks.

And here it is. Our first look at his left foot post surgery.

You can see how swollen he is.

Look at that foot! We just love Dr.

Getting his post surgery x-rays

It was no fun watching him get these stitches out.

It's awful watching him be in pain and not being able to fix it. Especially when he thinks I can make it all go away. I don't know how mom's with kids that have cancer or disabled children do it.

Bubba makes everything better......even when Timothy thinks I can't.
Stupid FrogWhat?
No! I didn't call a stuffed toy stupid.
I don't know what you are talking about.
Bleck. I don't know what was going on here but we got it fixed.

Timothy watches movies while we are at appointments. He usually picks "Ice Age Dawn".

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