Okay grandparents, this long post should hopefully make up for not having anything up for a while. Jeffrey there will be something new for you tomorrow.
Since we are moving I told the kids they could have friends over to spend the night. You would have thought I said there were two Christmas's this year. Bear asked if he could go first since he hasn't ever had a friend spend the night.
Bear didn't have a large turn out, not because he isn't liked, but I think because I don't know any of their parents......I wouldn't leave my kid with someone I didn't know. (Jeff and I know he is liked, you should see him with the kids in his class)

I planned for the night to be just plain boy silly. We started off with dinner......

We had worm dogs,

maggots in jello,

and pork skins.

After supper we started the games. I got together some ideas and figured points to have 3 winners. We started off with lemons in the mouth.

The next part was to taste baby food. They got points for just tasting and extra points if they could figure out what it was.

That's Bear reaction to peas.

After that they got one point for every coin they got out of the container with the crickets in it.
These kids were so brave. I wouldn't do it.

Yes, that's right, you are seeing Kati play as well.

After that we (
they) tasted sardines.

Kati got one whiff and ran to hide under the pillow.

Next they had to drink a small amount of some healthy drink.

I love her holding her noise to get it down. The next is my favorite picture....


After everybody got a drink to get rid of those yucky tastes we moved on. They had to pick up marbles out of the ice cold water with their toes.

I told Bo no such luck

and made him use his hands

Bear just thought it was so unfair.

Kati's facial expressions were just to fun to not use all the pictures.
Bear loves to watch Survivor with me so I thought they need a game with more than one part like the shows challenges.

They had to start their race in a yoga position...

Look at my Bear go!

They were racing to this yummy "dog food" that they had to eat with their hands behind their backs. Pay close attention to
every one's faces in the following pictures.......

This kid thought it was great (in fact he ate the leftovers when the game was over).

Once they had taken two bites they had to race back to the living room and put a puzzle together.

I love this picture, Brendon just looks adorable.
I added up all the points and the
winners are........

two seconds later it's all about the guns and fighting
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