High school wasn't my thing. Never really was. For the first few weeks of ninth grade I nearly threw up every day. After some time I finally made some friends but they were all older than me. So when my 10 year reunion rolled around I finally decided I didn't want to pay money to go. Everyone I wanted to see again from high school I was already in touch with. Thank you FaceBook. But then I noticed our Homecoming Game was against Jeffrey's old high school.
I couldn't pass that up.
I thought it would be too fun for our family to go. We made Kati on my team, Bear on Jeff's and Timothy needed to be Switzerland.
We pumped the kids up all week long...... made them shirts to wear, taught them "trash talk" and I made them mums and guarders.
We had such a great time. We hooted and hollered. It was a blast watching the kids get in to it. Great game too. In the end my school won, 17 - 14.
the trash talk continues........