I got a call from Jeffrey Thursday morning to ask me if we were covered in snow too. It was breath taking. I hated that Kati had to go to school.

As soon as we dropped her off I headed to a spot I had just seen recently for pictures.

I parked on a side street and walked over to take some pictures when I heard a car approaching. I quickly step off the road and hoped they wouldn't stop to ask if I was okay or that they wouldn't loose control of the car and hit me. Really I was more worried about them talking to me. Anyway just a moment before they got to me I realized my mistake..........and then I was covered from head to toe in slushy muddy snow.
Surprisingly I wasn't at all angry. Which is just further proof to myself that I really am changing.
I couldn't pass up this opportunity for pictures, wet and cold or not, so I headed to the park to take pictures of the boys. Bear didn't really feel up to it so there aren't many of him.

We went home and bundled up to play in the front yard.
We had a great time throwing snow balls at each other, chasing one another around.

I thought we
needed to make a snow man since I have never made a real one before. Guess what? There is an actual technique to it and I didn't know what it was. We tried our best.

Not only did I not know how to properly form one we didn't have the right supplies either. Our poor guy had an asparagus noise and chalk for eyeballs but the boys didn't care. Bear even went and got his own hat and made it a "teen-ager" snow man.

I couldn't wait to go pick up Bug from school so we could play in the snow some more. On our way we passed the fire station and it looks like our firemen had some fun in the snow as well.

She pegged me with a snowball.

Bear couldn't keep his gloves out of his mouth.

I love his face here. He is just absolutely giddy from the excitement.

"Put you camera down Mommy. I'm gonna get you with this big snow."