I always tell the kids if you didn't see someone do it then you shouldn't accuse them of do something but I am about to break that rule. I blame....
I am not sure that the boys are old enough to think this through. That it would just be faster to shove it under something instead of putting it were it goes. Now I am not saying that the boys are stupid, I have brilliant children. But Bear's style is to stand in a hurricane hit room and tell you he can't see anything that needs to be picked up.
I think that girl and I are going to have to have a talk. Maybe she knows where the remote is for the converter box. By the way, unless you have your remote you can't reprogram your box and therefore loss channels. (I will now remind myself about the seeing someone do it rule so I don't ring her neck first.) I miss me some ABC. Oh remote where have you gone.
*My new thoughts on house cleaning.
I have three kids and if you have kids yourself I need not go on about how difficult it is to keep a clean house.
Some days it seems like their only goal in life is to dirty dishes I just washed, make crumbs where I just vacuumed, and play with toys I just put away. Since I am the kind of person who likes to see a finished product to feel accomplished it was destroying me. I felt like I never got anything done even though I knew I had worked so hard. So I thought about what are the most important rooms, to me, to be kept clean. My bathroom (I hate a dusty counter), the kitchen, the living room, and semi my bedroom. I realized that I shouldn't worry so much about the kids rooms. They are kids. Small kids. Who cares if it is a mess. I was spending so much time get everything in it place (yes, I'm that mom) and by the time I would head over to the next room the baby, in seconds, would trash what I had just cleaned in the last room. So I work on the rooms that are important to me and don't stress about the rest. I also have the kids play in their rooms instead of dragging a million things into the living room. It has really changed my mood. I am less stressed and grumpy. I have been praying for God to reveal things to me about myself and I am so glad He revealed this and gave me a way to fix it.
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