Friday, June 12, 2009

It's every where

It's in the movies
It's on tv
On nearly every commercial
You can't walk two steps in the mall with out some ad trying to sell it
It's even hinted at in kids movies

What am I talking about?
It's talked about everywhere. Every where that is except the one place it should be talked about the most. In the place where you should get the truth about how it should really be and not the glamorized hollywood version. About how it was created to be.

I think the last time I heard someone speak about sex in church was when my daddy officated our wedding. He quoted this verse "A loving doe, a graceful deer- may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love." (Proverbs 5:19) I felt the flame rise in my face and thought 'oh my word, doesn't' he know my brother is sitting right behind us.' Jeffrey and I talked about it that very night. My was I embarressed. But you know what, I was a kid then, and I knew nothing about the way love and sex was created and designed to be by our God. Over the years I have read books and spoken with Godly people and learned of the real design and not what hollywood sells it to be. And now I am glad that verse was part of our cermony.

I think as a church we are so afraid to talk about something so private but the truth is our youth are getting the message from the outside world and it is a false message. Our churches should be educating the youth and just as important if not even more important they should be educating married women. Not for me, but I have heard from other christian woman who were so drilled with the "don't have sex" for years and then after they were married still had that mind set, that there was something wrong with it. When in reality God made this beautiful thing for husband and wife to share, we have just screwed it all up.

I found this blog (I'm not really sure how, I'm a blog hopper) and I love what they are doing here. They are speaking to married women about the way it should be. Encouraging them to take a real look at themselves and change themselves to who God wants us to be. If you are married I encourage you to check out the blog, it just began so you wont be far behind-you can catch up quick. No matter your age or how long, or short a time, you have been married you can benifit from it. Even if you think you have read it all it wouldn't hurt to get a refresher course. This blog just started but from reading the women's comments it's changing lives already.

There were two other things that Daddy said from the wedding that stood out to me that day. The first was when he said this was a unique wedding because he was marrying his son and daughter together. And the other....."Jeff, if I could look the world over and try to find the perfect gift for you, something that would be more than I could afford but something that you deserve and you need, I would give you Stacy." That touched my heart in ways that I can't even begin to explain. It's something that I will treasure always.

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