We took advantage of the warmer weather and went to the park with some friends. You wont see any pictures of Keri's kids and mine playing together though. We both have shy children and if you have shy kids too then that is enough said.

Like Bear's new hat? What a cutie.

After nap time we played in the kiddie pool. It wont be long before I have to start locking Kati up, she is just far to pretty.

After the kids got in they went for a chorus of screams.

Poor Bear, he just couldn't win. Kati kept kicking water on him and when he would go over to throw water on her he would just get a face full of cold water.

We played "Where did the water go?"

He found it.

He is just so cute!

When they got to cold be put clothes on and moved to the backyard where Daddy was grilling. We didn't stay for long because Kati and Bear kept pretending the leaves were cookies.

loves his "dee-dogs" (hot dogs). The tears are because Jeff joked he was going to eat Bears.
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