Kati got her much deserved trip to Chuck E Cheese. She has been a finger suckers since infancy. She used a pacifier at first but then, being the smart girl she is, she learned that pacifiers can get lost and your fingers are always there. And that is where our problem began as parents, you can throw a pacifier away and just tuff it out for a few days but people kind of frown on you cutting a kids fingers off. We had a long struggle and I thought a goal was needed. My first try was that she should stop before the baby got here, that didn't last long, her answer was "the baby is not here yet." Okay onto something else, my next bright idea was she needed to stop before we got to Sea World. Once home she started again and I was told by Kati "Sea World is over." Can you tell both her parents are strong willed and she has inherited it? So Jeff and I put our heads together and he came up with the great idea of Chuck E Cheese. This is by no means a favorite of mine or Jeff's but Kati became introduced to it at Kyle's birthday and then requested it for her own. Kati has now gone four and half weeks with only three slip ups and we couldn't be prouder. If this sounds silly to you then you have never asked your kid to give up something so difficult for them, something that makes them feel safe when they are scared or sad, something soothing when they are tired, something they have done numerous times everyday for three years. We are so proud of Kati and she will tell you she is proud of herself too. Our little girl is growing up. And by the way the credit for initiating all this has to go to Jeffrey, if it had been up to me I would have sat down some day with a soon to be husband to explain why my baby girl was still a finger sucker, I am just to sensitive a mom to make her quite.

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