We took Bear for his 15 month check up. He is 22lbs and 10oz, that puts him at the 25%for his weight. When they took his length, which he was not pleased about, it came out to 32in, that puts him in the 75% for his height. Not a surprise coming from both our families. A perfect head at 18 1/2 in. The shots were evil. He got three, one in each leg and one in the arm. The one in the arm was horrible but not because of the pain but because of the emotional scares it will leave on him. He will probably need therapy for years to come. I was forced to hold my baby like I was hugging him and then she stabs the 12 inch needle into his arm. Well maybe it wasn't that long but it was all very traumatic. I mean look at that face, who would willingly cause that adorable boy any pain.
You are coming along on your blog...Isn't it fun. You will look back and have so many good memories to make you smile. I look at mine now and crack myself up.