I am a blessed woman, no doubt about it.

We live in a society where we tend to put our men down. Usually when you hear a group of woman together speaking about their husbands it's about how he is doing something to drive her crazy and not about how blessed they are to have him. Think of any family sitcom you enjoy and they have made the husband/father character the brunt of most of the jokes. They simplify and stupefy him. It can make for a good laugh but is that what we really want to be.
We have gone through a tough year and more than ever it made me notice how women around me spoke of their men. My heart would scream within me to say something but I knew they wouldn't really hear me so I stilled my tongue. (And I don't mean when a woman shares her deepest concerns with her best girlfriend because we don't do that in front of everyone)
Why do we do that? It's a question I have been wondering. My first thought was we don't want to offend another woman......We don't want to appear as if we think we are better, or that our marriage is better.......we wouldn't want to brag........but don't we "brag" about our children on our blogs. Don't we spend countless posts talking about their great achievements, milestones, sensitive moments with us. By reading another woman's blog there is no doubt how much she loves her children and even for what specific reasons she does. But by reading that same blog do you know why she loves her husband, what it is that makes him special. Do you even know his name?
I am a blessed woman. Truthfully I have been blessed with the same man since I was fourteen. Although we haven't been together that long he has loved me that long. Cherished me that long. I am blessed and I want to share that. I should share that. For years I have shared with my children how much I love their Daddy and why but haven't shared it with anyone else, sadly not even with him most of the time.
I want to change that. I have been reading a friends blog (I would share her link but she is private) and she shares ways that her husband is special to her. They are a joy to read. By reading Nicole's blog there is no question about her feelings for Rick. I'm sure it is a comfort for him to read the posts as well. Men need words of love and encouragement just as much as we ladies do. What a blessing for Rick to feel loved and needed by Nicole.
I thought to myself, 'I want to do that too'. I want to share, not just with my children but with everyone, how fortunate I am to have married Jeffrey. I hope that by reading these posts from time to time it causes you to take time and think about the ways you are blessed by your mate.
I love you Jeffrey Matthew. Always have. Always will.
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