I'm old school about a lot of things. I love old Louise L'Amour books. I love old tv shows, Dick Van Dyke, Get Smart, Bewitched. Old music, from Nat King Cole to Guns N Roses. And when it comes to parenting I am definitely old school. My thoughts....if I say it you do it, no questions asked and I better not have to say it twice. I shouldn't have to show them that there is no more garlic bread they just need to believe it because I said so. It's yes ma'am and no ma'am and don't even think about speaking sassy. Old school. Well old school just ain't working with Bear. I think when you take two strong willed parents and one strong willed child it makes for disastrous days.
About a month ago we put Bear in counseling. No one faint, there is nothing wrong with counseling or with a kid going. Bear loves to go, it's the highlight of his week. In fact I don't think there is a person on this earth who couldn't benefit from it. Bear is fine, we just want him to be happier. Anyhoo Jeff brought up some concerns that I had with the counselor and she suggested a book for us. While Jeff waited for Bears session to be over he read about 15 pages. When he got home he began sharing the books ideas with me.
Very much not old school. Just about everything it says goes against my grain. Jeffrey is telling me what it says and on the inside I am screaming "But that just ain't right, he should do it because I said so!" It's going to be a new way of thinking for me, for both of us. Jeff tried it out on him last night and I saw it work. Even if it doesn't make any sense to me. See I'm on this journey. A journey to be a better Christian, to be a better wife, a better mother, a better me. On this journey I am learning to be a submissive wife. All these years I thought I was....what a joke. I wasn't even close to being submissive. And in learning to submit (and I know some of you women are cringing at that word but we as wives are called to submit to our husbands) I am going against everything I know about being a parent, against the way I was raised and trying something new because my husband believes it's best.
So while Bear will be learning new things so will I. I guess we can just journey together. I have been using the new techniques all day. Are they working? For the most part yes but I will say my blood pressure is through the roof keeping all my feelings in and doing it this new way. If this new way makes Bear happier and keeps the peace in the family then I will do it. Even if it goes against the grain. Even if other old school parents think I'm nuts. God entrusted Bear to us, no one else.
**I tell you that I am submitting not to get a pat on the back but to have you stop and think if you are really submitting. I wish I had had an open mind and prayed for God wisdom many years ago to see that I wasn't a submissive wife. It could have saved my family a lot of hurt. I am called to submit to my husband. It's God's plan and there aren't any better ones.
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