Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This weekend I get the opportunity to meet some bloggy friends and I can't wait. One of the ladies had this great idea to do Tidbits, so just in case any of you lovely ladies are reading my blog here are mine....

I love the smell of coffee

I love to take pictures and wish I could take a photography class

I'm terrified of water.

And I'm scared of the dark like a little kid.

I enjoy a good Mojito.

I wish I knew sign language.

I would love to write for a living.

We almost lost Bug at 27 weeks.

I'm addicted to reading.

I'm 27 and still can't dissect a sentence.

I love to bake.

Jeffrey is a better cook than me. His fried chicken is to die for!

I want to get my nose pierced.

Black and red are my favorite nail polish colors.

I love shoes but don't want to wear them.

Breakfast Club, The Lost Boys, Fireproof, Footloose, and McLintock are some of my favorite movies.

I enjoy old rhythm and blues but I want my Guns and Roses too.

Pretty Pie is the best nickname I have ever had, it's music to my ears.

My favorite line from a movie, "Half the people in this world are women. Why does it have to be you that stirs me?" (Name that movie)

I save the craziest things....


  1. So fun to read! See you Friday!

  2. It was so good meeting you tonight! I too love photography and love to read :)

  3. I really enjoyed meeting all of you ladies last night!

  4. Nice to meet you the other night! Did you call your mom when you got home? (haha)
