My husband calls me on Friday panic in his voice.
He lost his wedding ring.
Now, I know for some people this may not seem like a big deal but it is for us. I know for some women they look forward to when their husbands can buy them a bigger diamond and some men who only wear their rings because it makes their wives happy but that just isn't us. I don't ever want a different ring and neither does he, so imagine his worry when he lost his.
My husband couldn't remember at what point it wasn't there anymore. I know some of you are thinking just retrace your steps, but he jams his hands inside of machines at work all the time so there was a good chance it was at the bottom of some machine at work that it hundreds of thousands of dollars. I think his company would kind of frown on him taking it apart.
I agreed to pray but braced myself for the loss of his ring and wondered where we were going to get the money to get him a new one.
A few hours later he calls, "I can't talk now the tour is almost here but I found it."
Phew! After he washed all the grease off his hands he pulled it off with a paper towel by mistake and threw it away. I am so glad he thought to look there.
Maybe for our ninth anniversary we should check into tattoo rings.