Here is an example, just the other day the kids and I were all in my room playing on the bed. Brendon lost his balance and feel off and the next thing you know he is screaming about how Kati pushed him off. If I hadn't been right there looking at them while it happened Kati would have been in big trouble.
But don't feel too sorry for Kati, she does her fair share of making things up as well. Just last night there was a fight. I knew that Bear had hurt her because her back had the marks to prove it. Jeffrey got the job of sorting out the details while I finished making dinner. Bear claimed that Kati scratched him too but she profusely denied it. When Jeff showed her the marks on Bear's back she still denied any wrong doing and then said Bear did it to himself. So I asked her if she saw him reach his hand around and scratch his own back and she agreed. To try and shorten this some, Jeffrey came up with his own lie, wrong I know but desperate times call for desperate measures and you haven't been living in our house. Jeff told Kati that he found Bear's skin under her nails, so she claimed that Bear scratched himself and then took off the skin and put it under her nails. All with a straight face. I'm doomed is all I can say.
The worst of it is today when Brendon screamed out at the store "You're choking me", now mind you, I was only holding his elbow. Then he proceeded to declare that I was a mean mommy and I hurt him. But then again, I guess no one likes to be told not to drink out of cups they find sitting on the store shelf.
Pretty soon, the police will be coming to take me away. But at this point being wrongly accused and jailed might be a nice break compared to living here.
Oh, the good ol' days, before it was possible to lie.

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