Why Jeffrey ever stuck around for me I will never understand. If you ask Jeff he would say he doesn't understand why he stuck around either. It sounds awful but it's just the truth. He says he tried to stop caring about me but he just couldn't.
Why did I keep coming back? I'll tell you why I kept coming back. This boy use to dream of holding my hand, holding my hand y'all, now you can't go wrong with a boy like that. And yet I did things all wrong. We dated briefly when we were fifteen, if you can call that dating, we didn't go anywhere. We just called it "going out", of course the grown-ups would still tease us because we didn't go anywhere, so by their standards we were "going steady" I guess. I was not use to having a boy be so nice and honest with me and to be truthful I just had issues. I would pick fights with this poor kid and he would apologize as if he had done something wrong. I couldn't stand it anymore so I called him up broke up with him, real classy huh. As I hung up the phone I looked at my mother and said "I could marry him someday".
We went our separate ways dating wise but remand close friends. I should mention that I was Jeff's first girlfriend, how cute is that, not his first wife but his first girlfriend. Anyway things began to change for me when he became interested in another girl at church. This wasn't his first girl since we split however this time it just tore me up inside. I should note that they were "just talking" translation, they weren't steady but liked one another.
I tried to deal with my feelings and then I tried to get her interested in a boy similar to Jeff and closer to her age but it was to no avail. Above all else I just wanted Jeffrey to be happy, I just left things be, until that night.
Our mutual friend told us about a concert out in the middle of no where. When I say out in the middle of no where I truly mean it. It was a very blaire witch night. The concert was on some land way back in the woods. I rode with our friend and some other people and Jeff and his girl were to meet us later. Sadly for her, but luckily for me, she was grounded and everything changed from that night on. When it was time to head home I caught a ride with Jeff. On the way home that night we talked and talked and talked, until I said "how come we are both talking about the same thing but neither one of us is really saying it". I was referring to that we both thought God intended for us to be together and one day marry and yet we were both dancing around the topic. It changed everything for us. Although I can not recall any more conversations word for word from that night the bubbly emotions that swell within my chest will never go away.
Two days later we became an item and just two short months later he asked me to be his wife.
I'm so glad he couldn't stop caring.
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