Thursday, November 29, 2007

Flashback Friday

I love you, I love you, I love youWedding Party:
Flower Girl: Carolyn
Maid of Honor: Rachel
Best Man: John
Brides Maid: Jenny
Groomsmen: Jesse

Monday, November 26, 2007

This Saturday made seven years of wedded bliss. Jeff had the great idea to go away for the weekend or for a day in reality. We left the little guys with Jeff's parents, yes, even Timbo, boy was that hard. I'm glad we did it, it was needed.
This was our room. Do you notice the really cool thing about it? Okay, I'll tell you, there are no toys to trip over, laundry to be folded, dishes to be washed, or phones to be answered. Do you know what that gave us? Tons of time to just talk like we did when we were kids and ya know what, it was so lovely.
When I told Kati about the tub in the room with bubbles she didn't know what to think about that. This is me filling the tub up just so I can drain it. I'm a germaphob
Still just as cute as we were seven years ago
Does anyone else see what is wrong with this picture? There is the elevator door and then there is another door that shuts and locks. What's this all about. The only purpose it served was to cause me server trauma.
We had such a wonderful time. We took some back roads to come home, well home to Jeff's parents to pick up the kids.
We pulled into the gas station and my wonderful and romantic weekend officially ended with the sight of a deer carcase strapped down to the bed of a truck. Think it couldn't end any worse.....
wrong. I was then peed on by Bear. The little guy was sound asleep and being the good mom that I am I just let him keep on peeing.

Bear has got a mouth on him

In all fairness I should tell you that Kati was being a little stinker today too but some of the things Bear said had to be written down.

While getting on to Brendon he said "Mommy I don't want to hear your story today"

At the doctor's office we were arguing about his book. He said he didn't want to carry it and I said he had to because he was the one who brought it in. We continued to argue and he said "I don't want to look at you Mommy", to which I replied "That's okay buddy, I don't really feel like looking at you either." At least the receptionist got a good laugh out of it. We strive to please.

I love my little man

Casting #6

You might be wondering how am I posting the future,it's only Monday and he switches casts on Wednesdays, well I'm not. The same night that Timbo got his last casts he started working his way out. Since it was after hours I couldn't call the Doctors office. The next day was Thanksgiving , they were closed the following day (Friday), and of course were closed for the weekend so today was the first time I could get ahold of anyone. I started calling at 8:55 and they open at 9. I explained that he was working his way out of both casts, just a little bit on the right but on the left side he had nearly moved it 1 1/2 inches. How do I know you ask. Well I started marking his thigh with a marker to be sure he wasn't getting out of them. Anyway they said since he was a baby they wanted to see him to check him out.
Don't those feet look good!!!! So here is what I think happened. When Dr McGoodDaddy puts on casts he always bends Timothy's knee during casting but McNewGuy didn't. Jeff also pointed out that his casts weren't up as high on his leg as usual. I'm I mad? No. That may seem weird to you being that he is my baby and all but let me explain. Sarah, our wonderful nurse, told me that as long as she has been there they have never casted a baby before and McNewGuy seems kinda young but I trust everyone in the office. Someone, or baby, has to be the first and I'm okay with that. They are competent and trustworthy and I am so glad I have them. If I weren't so shy I would hug all of them, especially McGoodDaddy.
Like his sunny yellow casts

McGoodDaddy commented again on how great Timothy's flexibility is getting. Oh, I almost forgot, Timothy had some bruising on the foot of the leg he got out so far. I guess it was just pressing on his poor little foot. But as you can see from his picture he made it just fine. I love my little guy.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Getting to know you

What is your favorite

color: pink, purple and green
food: cookies
thing to do: when Kayla gets a baby doll and I get a baby doll and we're sharing
thing to wear: kayla's dress

who is your best friend: Kayla

what is your favorite thing about mommy: to just me and mommy going to the zoo by ourselves looking at the gorillas (um, this has never happened. I guess a girl can dream)

what is your favorite thing about daddy: just me and daddy getting him some sun glasses

what is your favorite thing about bear: i can't think about anything about that ( I promise she really does love him)

what is your favorite thing about timothy: getting him one toy

What is your favorite

color: blue
food: crackers
thing to do: play swords and bad guys
thing to wear: uh, uh, a handsome butterfly shirt (by the way, he doesn't have one of these. no one get any ideas, he doesn't need a butterfly shirt)

who is your best friend: Kati

what is your favorite thing about mommy: play play with you

what is your favorite thing about daddy: play with him

what is your favorite thing about kati: play with her

what is your favorite thing about timothy: i don't know

Friday, November 23, 2007

Flashback Friday

Are you sick of us yet? Well to bad, I could talk about me and Jeff forever. Here are some pictures of us premarriage in no particular order.
Here we are at the beach. Just ignore the arm around my shoulder.
This is us after the North South Game. He asked me to marry him that night, he was only joking, maybe. It better have been a joke, he used a soda bottle ring. Like how my eyes are poked out. I got this off the bulletin board from the youth room. I was not well liked. It might have had something to do with my sharp tongue and scowlly face. No that's not my hat, it belong to Jesse or John. However, those are my Bongo jeans, to bad that don't make 'em like that anymore.
This is at mission trip. Off by myself, Jeffrey of course came to join me. We were probably 15.
My prom. Man am I white!
My graduation

The day after his prom
Here we are at "See you before the Pole" Check out Jeff's white hair. What a hottie. You can't see it but Jeff's tongue ring is there too. (Bet you wouldn't have guessed from the pic that he would one day be a deacon) And you can't tell but Jeff smelt heavenly that morning. I talked him into letting me were his shirt to school that day and got to smell him any time I wanted.
Here is Jeff being ref while Rachel and I arm wrestle.
Before prayer time at mission trip.
Church camp. We were engaged.
I'd say we were 14. We were at our youth pastor's wedding.
And here we are rocking climbing New years eve 1999. Okay tell the truth, how many of you stocked up on canned goods and bottled water.
I love this shot. We were playing Bible Trivia. No one get excited for me, I didn't really know the answer. The youth pastor gave me the answer to some obscure question so I could get Jeff. Seriously, this may be one out of only four times I ever did an activity with the youth. I always sat on the side lines watching and eventually Jeff would always come sit with me for awhile.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Casting # 5

So let me start with this. It's kind of confusing when I say casting 5 so I will explain. This is the fifth time we have gone for casts. You can't really count the first time as part of his six weeks. He has completed three weeks with his cast on and should have three more. I believe he will get them off December 12th.
He did so good today! Great infact. He cried for maybe two seconds when they first began with the saw and then just silence for the rest of the two and a half hour visit. As I mentioned last time Dr McGoodDaddy was on vacation and Dr McNewGuy would be helping us today. Although I have complete trust in him you could tell he was a little nervous and didn't have all the confidence Dr McGD has. I thought we would never leave the office.
Boy have his feet gotten smelly and on one foot his toes are all wrinkled like he has been in the tub for too long. Oh the tub, how I can't wait to give him a regular b@th again. No more sponge b@thes. No more dreams of dropping his feet into water. Anyway back to his feet, I just had to kiss them and kiss them. If you have been around me and a new baby for any length of time then you have heard me say that I was going to eat the baby's feet. I love baby feet, they are so irresistible. So to not be able to nibble little baby toes is torture. I just had to kiss them up, with my nose plugged of course. Poor little guy he can't help it.
three weeks in casts
same foot same visit but doesn't look as good as the other picture. I'm not sure what to thinks of this
three weeks in casts
Free legs. I can't imagine what this feels like to him. This kid really gives his abs a work out with all his leg lifts. The closest thing we can think of for you to imagine it for yourself is this...... Imagine wearing roller skates; not the new roller blades but the old ones. You know the ones I'm talking about, heavy as all get out, laced practically up to your knee real tight. Imagine you have worn them all night, you know, through girls skate, couples skate, backwards skate, all skate, on your head skate and whatever other weird skate we did in the 80's. Then it's time for your mom to pick you up, you take your skates off and your legs and feet feel so weird.

It must be like that. I guess, how would I know.
Oh, they are running low on colors. My choices were black, gray, orange or purple.

Hi, I'm Stacy and I watched the......

Okay, I am about to embarrass myself by admitting I watched the Bachelor this season. No I don't subject my children to this reality trash I enjoy it during nap time. Why I enjoy it I am not sure. I think people on the show are getting caught up in whirlwind emotion very quickly. With that said I commend this years Bachelor for choosing no one. People seem so upset with him for saying he cares deeply for Dionna and yet does not see a future. I say good for him for having a clear head. I myself have cared deeply for two people before Jeffrey but knew it was not right, not the right person. How sad and different my life would have turned out if I had told myself that I cared and this had to be it. I got the best with Jeffrey for thinking with a clear head and not just with my heart. I hope the bachelor find his "Jeffrey". Yeah, I know, that last statement just sounds wrong but you know what I mean.

A Thanksgiving Feast with Friends

Timbo hanging out with Ms. Mellisa, being 5 months old there wasn't a whole lot he could do.
All the friends making turkey cookies. They didn't taste like cookies just looked like them, well some of them did.

Thanks Ms Lisa for Timothy's hat
And the best part of any Thanksgiving feast, dessert.

Thanks for inviting us ladies.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Putt-Putt Fun

We took the two older kids for an afternoon of fun at Putt-Putt. Did any of you catch that, I left the baby. Jeffrey has been working a lot so we figured the kids needed some fun time with us. To tell the truth I really needed it too, when Jeff works a lot the kids attitudes are pretty awful.Here we are right before we go in. We didn't tell the kids anything about what we were going to do. Kati was game, Brendon on the other hand just wanted to go back to Grandmas.
Selecting balls

So Jeff did try to teach them the right way to do it.
Here they are practcing their balancing skills.

At some point we just gave up and Jeff had the idea to just let them roll the ball.
Here we are at the last whole. Tricky tricky Daddy
Then it was on to arcade games.
Gotta love the "play till you win" games
Here are some shots of a video roller coaster ride. Bear didn't seem to be much of a fan
Kati on the other hand had the giggles
Pizza time!

Enjoying their loot from all their tickets.
Oh I have to share this.....
"Bear what was your favorite part?"
"Going to Grandma's house and getting kisses"