My wonderful girlfriends threw a great shower for our soon-to-be new arrival, Sweet Baby Timothy. Thanks Ladies.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thanks Elaine!
My friend Elaine told me about a farm that organically grows strawberries that we could go pick as a family. The kids loved it! We had to leave early because Bear needed to make a potty trip, he just wanted to go on the flowers but I said no. As soon as we got home the kids wanted to eat some and Kati asked if we could go again. It was nice for the kids to see produce outside of a store. In the car Bear said he wanted to go back to the "ta'ber-wee" farm.
Friday, April 27, 2007
My friend Elaine invited us for a wonderful trip to "the flower place". I wasn't sure how my day was going to go considering it began with Kati asking me where my shoes were as I locked the front door. (pregnancy brain) Once we got there in the gorgeous sun it all turned out alright. Thanks Elaine. Kati of course decided it would be one of her shy days. She did finally warm up to the boys but not until our day was almost over. Oh well, I guess a little friend time is better than no friend time at all.
thrity-three weeks
Monday, April 23, 2007
First time bowlers
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
A trip to the fire house
Two nights ago I said some pretty awful words, "That's my wallet don't touch". Bear then says "I want my wallet", which I have not seen it weeks. So I say, "Go look for it buddy, I don't know where it is." thinking this will end quick. He can't put two cars up before he is off on something else. Well, it didn't work out that way, he really wanted his wallet. He cried and ached and moaned until I had to haul my huge pregnant aching body up and look for it too. While he, Daddy, and Kati searched the house I searched the car in my pajamas no less. 
Monday, April 16, 2007
A fun morning outside
Friday, April 13, 2007
On Wednesday afternoon it occurred to me we had not yet been to an invent we go to every year. I look it up on line and to my dismay it ends this Sunday. My friend Elaine and I were going to go together originally but now I feel that it is rude to say "hey I still want to go do this with y'all" at the last minute. My only option was to go the next day because the weather was suppose to get crummy again. Anyway we went. I loved it and would still go again knowing that Kati would end up wearing Bear's extra pair of underwear, I would get pooped on by a bird, one sandwich and a bag of chips would cost my $7.50, and that my favorite part would not open until one instead eleven like I thought causing us to leave at 2:15. Oh the things I will do to get cute pictures of my babies. Sorry, Timothy you will have to endure it next year as well.
This was at the end of the day after Bear fell and hit his lip on the wagon. And no I didn't ask Kati to hover over him like that, she just loves him that much. She continued to pat on him while I pulled the wagon.
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